
This document presents the technical architecture of IDP-Z3.

Essentially, the IDP-Z3 components translate the requested inferences on the knowledge base into satisfiability problems that Z3 can solve.

Web clients

The source code for the web clients is in the IDP_Z3_web_client folder.

The clients are written in Typescript, using the Angular framework (version 7.1), and the primeNG library of widgets.  It uses the Monaco editor. The interactions with the server are controlled by idp.service.ts.  The AppSettings file contains important settings, such as the address of the IDP-Z3 sample theories.

The web clients are sent to the browser by the IDP-Z3 server as static files. The static files are generated by the /IDP-Z3/ script as part of the deployment, and saved in the /IDP-Z3/idp_web_server/static folder.

See the Appendix of Development and deployment guide on the wiki for a discussion on how to set-up your environment to develop web clients.

The /docs/zettlr/ file describes the format of the data exchanged between the web client and the server.  The exchange of data while using web clients can be visualised in the developer mode of most browsers (Chrome, Mozilla, …).

The web clients could be packaged into an executable using nativefier.

Read The Docs, Homepage

The online documentation and Homepage are written in ReStructuredText, generated using sphinx and hosted on and GitLab Pages respectively. The contents is in the /docs and /homepage folders of IDP-Z3.

We use the following sphinx extensions: Mermaid (diagrams), and Markdown.

IDP-Z3 server

The code for the IDP-Z3 server is in the /idp_web_server folder.

The IDP-Z3 server is written in python 3.8, using the Flask framework.  Pages are served by /idp_web_server/  Static files are served from the /idp_web_server/static directory, including the compiled version of the client software.

At start-up, and every time the idp code is changed on the client, the idp code is sent to the /meta URL by the client.  The server responds with the list of symbols to be displayed. A subsequent call (/eval) returns the questions to be displayed. After that, when the user clicks on a GUI element, information is sent to the /eval URL, and the server responds as necessary.

The information given by the user is combined with the idp code (in, and, using adequate inferences, the questions are put in these categories with their associated value (if any):

  • given: given by the user

  • universal: always true (or false), per idp code

  • consequences: consequences of user’s input according to theory

  • irrelevant: made irrelevant by user’s input

  • unknown

The IDP-Z3 server implements custom inferences such as the computation of relevance (, and the handling of environmental vs. decision variables.

API endpoints

The IDP-Z3 server exposes multiple API endpoints, which are used to communicate information between the interface and server.


POST: Runs an IDP program containing a main block. The program is be executed by the IDP-Z3 directly, and the output is returned. This endpoint is e.g. used to execute the code in the IDP webIDE.


  • code: IDP code, containing a main block.


  • A string, containing the output of the IDP-Z3 engine after executing the program.


POST: generate the metaJSON for an IDP program. In the IC, this metaJSON is among others used to correctly lay out the different symbol tiles and to generate extra expanded symbols.


  • code: IDP code, with or without main block.


  • symbols: contains information on each symbol used in the FO(·) specification. This information includes symbol name, type, view, …

  • optionalPropagation: a bool representing if a propagation toggle should be shown in the interface.

  • manualPropagation: a bool representing if propagation should be manual via a button.

  • optionalRelevance: a bool representing if a relevance toggle should be shown in the interface.

  • manualRelevance: a bool representing if relevance computation should be manual via a button.

  • valueinfo: contains information on the values for each symbol used in the FO(·) specification.


POST: execute one of IDP-Z3’s inference methods.


  • method: string containing the method to execute. Supported methods are: checkCode, propagate, get_range, modelexpand, explain, minimize, and abstract.

  • code: the IDP code.

  • active: the active assignments, already input in the interface.

  • previous_active: the assignments after the last full propagation.

  • ignore: user-disabled laws to ignore.

  • symbol: the name of a symbol, only used for minimize, explain and checkCode.

  • value: a value, only used for explain.

  • field: the applied symbol for which a range must be determined, only for get_range.

  • minimize: true for minimization, false for maximization.


  • Global: the global information of the current state of the IC.

  • A field for every symbol that appears in the IDP program, containing all its information.

IDP-Z3 engine

The code for the IDP-Z3 engine and IDP-Z3-CLI is in the /idp_engine folder. The IDP-Z3 engine exposes an API implemented by and

Translating knowledge inferences into satisfiability problems that Z3 can solve involves these steps:

  1. parsing the idp code and the info entered by the user,

  2. converting it to the Z3 format,

  3. calling the appropriate method,

  4. formatting the response.

The IDP-Z3 code is parsed into an abstract syntax tree (AST) using the textx package, according to this grammar.  There is one python class per type of AST nodes (see and

The conversion to the Z3 format is performed by the following passes over the AST generated by the parser:

  1. annotate the nodes by resolving names, and computing some derived information (e.g. type) (annotate())

  2. expand quantifiers in the theory, as far as possible. (interpret())

  3. when a structure is given, use the interpretation (interpret() ), i.e.:

    a) expand quantifiers based on the structure (grounding); perform type inference as necessary;

    b) simplify the theory using the data in the structure and the laws of logic;

    c) instantiate the definitions for every calls of the defined symbols (recursively)

  4. convert to Z3, adding the type constraints not enforced by Z3 (.translate())

Substitute() modifies the AST “in place”. Because the results of step 1-2 are cached, steps 4-7 are done after copying the AST (custom copy()).

The graph of calls is outlined below:

graph TD IDP-Z3 --> parse IDP-Z3 --> execute execute -.-> symbolic_propagate; symbolic_propagate --> implicants; execute -.-> simplify; simplify --> substitute; substitute --> update_exprs; execute -.-> formula formula --> interpret parse --> Annotate Annotate --> rename_args; rename_args --> instantiate; interpret --> instantiate_definition; instantiate_definition --> interpret; interpret --> instantiate; instantiate --> interpret; instantiate --> instantiate_definition; instantiate_definition --> instantiate; interpret --> update_exprs; update_exprs -.-> make; instantiate_definition --> make; update_exprs --> _change; interpret --> make; simplify1 --> update_exprs; make --> simplify1; Annotate --> annotate1; make --> annotate1; instantiate --> _change; interpret --> _change; Annotate --> make; instantiate --> update_exprs;

The code is organised by steps, not by classes: for example, all methods to annotate an expression by another are grouped in We use monkey-patching to attach methods to the classes declared in another module.

Important classes of the IDP-Z3 engine are: Expression, Assignment, Theory.

Below is a simplified class diagram for the classes of the Abstract Syntax tree.

classDiagram IDP *-- Vocabulary IDP *-- TheoryBlock IDP *-- Structure IDP *-- Procedure IDP *-- Display Vocabulary *-- Import Vocabulary *-- TypeDeclaration Vocabulary *-- SymbolDeclaration TypeDeclaration *-- Constructor SymbolDeclaration *-- Subtype TypeDeclaration o-- Subtype TheoryBlock *-- Definition TheoryBlock *-- SymbolInterpretation TheoryBlock *-- Axiom Structure *-- SymbolInterpretation SymbolInterpretation *-- Enumeration Definition *-- Rule Rule *-- Expression Axiom *-- Expression Expression *-- AppliedSymbol Expression *-- UnappliedSymbol SymbolDeclaration o-- AppliedSymbol SymbolDeclaration o-- SymbolInterpretation TypeDeclaration o-- SymbolInterpretation Constructor o-- AppliedSymbol Constructor o-- UnappliedSymbol class TypeDeclaration { contains_element(expr) } class SymbolDeclaration { has_in_domain(args) has_in_range(value) } class Enumeration { contains(args, is_function) } class Subtype { has_element(term) } class AppliedSymbol { construct(constructor, args) } class UnappliedSymbol { construct(constructor) }

And a simplified class diagram for the Theory class:

classDiagram Theory *-- Assignment class Theory{ declarations axioms definitions interpretations assignments: Assignments } class Assignment{ sentence: Expression value: Expression status: Status }


See this tutorial for an introduction to Z3 (or this guide).

You may also want to refer to the Z3py reference.

Appendix: Dependencies and Licences

The IDP-Z3 tools are published under the GNU LGPL v3 license.

The server software uses the following components (see requirements.txt):

The client-side software uses the following components: