Source code for idp_engine.Expression

# Copyright 2019-2023 Ingmar Dasseville, Pierre Carbonnelle
# This file is part of IDP-Z3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


(They are monkey-patched by other modules)

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from collections import ChainMap
from datetime import date
from dateutil.relativedelta import *
from fractions import Fraction
from re import findall
from sys import intern
from textx import get_location
from typing import (Optional, List, Union, Tuple, Set, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING,
                    Generator, Any)
    from .Theory import Theory
    from .Assignments import Assignments, Status
    from .Parse import SymbolDeclaration, SymbolInterpretation, Enumeration

from .utils import (unquote, OrderedSet, BOOL, INT, REAL, DATE, CONCEPT,
                    RESERVED_SYMBOLS, IDPZ3Error, Semantics)

[docs]class ASTNode(object): """superclass of all AST nodes """
[docs] def check(self, condition: bool, msg: str): """raises an exception if `condition` is not True Args: condition (Bool): condition to be satisfied msg (str): error message Raises: IDPZ3Error: when `condition` is not met """ if not condition: try: location = get_location(self) except: raise IDPZ3Error(f"{msg}") line = location['line'] col = location['col'] raise IDPZ3Error(f"Error on line {line}, col {col}: {msg}")
[docs] def dedup_nodes(self, kwargs: dict[str, List[ASTNode]], arg_name:str ) -> dict[str, ASTNode]: """pops `arg_name` from kwargs as a list of named items and returns a mapping from name to items Args: kwargs: dictionary mapping named arguments to list of ASTNodes arg_name: name of the kwargs argument, e.g. "interpretations" Returns: dict[str, ASTNode]: mapping from `name` to AST nodes Raises: AssertionError: in case of duplicate name """ ast_nodes = kwargs.pop(arg_name) out = {} for i in ast_nodes: # can't get location here assert hasattr(i, "name"), "internal error" assert not in out, f"Duplicate '{}' in {arg_name}" out[] = i return out
def annotate(self, idp): return # monkey-patched def annotate1(self): return # monkey-patched def interpret(self, problem: Optional[Theory]) -> ASTNode: return self # monkey-patched def EN(self): pass # monkey-patched
def catch_error(func): def inner_function(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except IDPZ3Error as e: raise e except Exception as e: self.check(False, str(e)) return inner_function
[docs]class Annotations(ASTNode):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, annotations: List[str]): self.annotations : dict[str, Union[str, dict[str, Any]]] = {} v: Union[str, dict[str, Any]] for s in annotations: p = s.split(':', 1) if len(p) == 2: if p[0] != 'slider': k, v = (p[0], p[1]) else: # slider:(lower_sym, upper_sym) in (lower_bound, upper_bound) pat = r"\(((.*?), (.*?))\)" arg = findall(pat, p[1]) l_symb = arg[0][1] u_symb = arg[0][2] l_bound = arg[1][1] u_bound = arg[1][2] slider_arg = {'lower_symbol': l_symb, 'upper_symbol': u_symb, 'lower_bound': l_bound, 'upper_bound': u_bound} k, v = ('slider', slider_arg) else: k, v = ('reading', p[0]) self.check(k not in self.annotations, f"Duplicate annotation: [{k}: {v}]") self.annotations[k] = v
[docs]class Constructor(ASTNode): """Constructor declaration Attributes: name (string): name of the constructor sorts (List[Symbol]): types of the arguments of the constructor type (string): name of the type that contains this constructor arity (Int): number of arguments of the constructor tester (SymbolDeclaration): function to test if the constructor has been applied to some arguments (e.g., is_rgb) symbol (Symbol): only for Symbol constructors range: the list of identifiers """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, name: Union[UnappliedSymbol, str], args: Optional[List[Accessor]] = None): : str = ( if type(name) == UnappliedSymbol else name) self.sorts = args if args is not None else [] self.arity = len(self.sorts) self.type = None self.symbol = None self.tester = None self.range: Optional[List[Expression]] = None
def __str__(self): return ( if not self.sorts else f"{}({', '.join((str(a) for a in self.sorts))})" )
def CONSTRUCTOR(name: str, args=None) -> Constructor: return Constructor(None, name, args)
[docs]class Accessor(ASTNode): """represents an accessor and a type Attributes: accessor (UnappliedSymbol, Optional): name of accessor function type (string): name of the output type of the accessor decl (SymbolDeclaration): declaration of the accessor function """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, type: UnappliedSymbol, accessor: Optional[UnappliedSymbol] = None): self.accessor = accessor self.type = self.decl: Optional[SymbolDeclaration] = None
def __str__(self): return (self.type if not self.accessor else f"{self.accessor}: {self.type}" )
[docs]class Expression(ASTNode): """The abstract class of AST nodes representing (sub-)expressions. Attributes: code (string): Textual representation of the expression. Often used as a key. It is generated from the sub-tree. Some tree transformations change it (e.g., interpret), others don't. sub_exprs (List[Expression]): The children of the AST node. The list may be reduced by simplification. type (string): The name of the type of the expression, e.g., ``bool``. co_constraint (Expression, optional): A constraint attached to the node. For example, the co_constraint of ``square(length(top()))`` is ``square(length(top())) = length(top())*length(top()).``, assuming ``square`` is appropriately defined. The co_constraint of a defined symbol applied to arguments is the instantiation of the definition for those arguments. This is useful for definitions over infinite domains, as well as to compute relevant questions. annotations (dict[str, str]): The set of annotations given by the expert in the IDP-Z3 program. ``annotations['reading']`` is the annotation giving the intended meaning of the expression (in English). original (Expression): The original expression, before propagation and simplification. variables (Set(string)): The set of names of the variables in the expression, before interpretation. is_type_constraint_for (string): name of the symbol for which the expression is a type constraint """ # slots for marginally faster code __slots__ = ('sub_exprs', 'code', 'annotations', 'original', 'str', 'variables', 'type', 'is_type_constraint_for', 'co_constraint', 'questions', 'relevant')
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None): if parent: self.parent = parent self.sub_exprs: List[Expression] self.code: str = intern(str(self)) if not hasattr(self, 'annotations') or self.annotations == None: self.annotations: dict[str, str] = {'reading': self.code} elif type(self.annotations) == Annotations: self.annotations = self.annotations.annotations self.original: Expression = self self.str: str = self.code self.variables: Optional[Set[str]] = None self.type: Optional[str] = None self.is_type_constraint_for: Optional[str] = None self.co_constraint: Optional[Expression] = None # attributes of the top node of a (co-)constraint self.questions: Optional[OrderedSet] = None self.relevant: Optional[bool] = None
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ copies everyting but .original """ key = str(self) val = memo.get(key, None) if val is not None: return val if self.is_value(): return self out = copy(self) out.sub_exprs = [deepcopy(e, memo) for e in out.sub_exprs] out.variables = deepcopy(out.variables, memo) out.co_constraint = deepcopy(out.co_constraint, memo) out.questions = deepcopy(self.questions, memo) memo[key] = out return out def same_as(self, other: Expression): # symmetric if self.str == other.str: # and type(self) == type(other): return True if (type(self) in [Number, Date] and type(other) in [Number, Date]): return float(self.py_value) == float(other.py_value) return False def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __log__(self): # for debugWithYamlLog return {'class': type(self).__name__, 'code': self.code, 'str': self.str, 'co_constraint': self.co_constraint} def has_variables(self) -> bool: return any(e.has_variables() for e in self.sub_exprs)
[docs] def collect(self, questions: OrderedSet, all_: bool=True, co_constraints: bool=True ): """collects the questions in self. `questions` is an OrderedSet of Expression Questions are the terms and the simplest sub-formula that can be evaluated. all_=False : ignore expanded formulas and AppliedSymbol interpreted in a structure co_constraints=False : ignore co_constraints default implementation for UnappliedSymbol, AIfExpr, AUnary, Variable, Number_constant, Brackets """ for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints)
[docs] def collect_symbols(self, symbols: Optional[dict[str, SymbolDeclaration]] = None, co_constraints: bool=True ) -> dict[str, SymbolDeclaration]: """ returns the list of symbol declarations in self, ignoring type constraints """ symbols = {} if symbols == None else symbols assert symbols is not None, "Internal error" if self.is_type_constraint_for is None: # ignore type constraints if (hasattr(self, 'decl') and self.decl and self.decl.__class__.__name__ == "SymbolDeclaration" and not in RESERVED_SYMBOLS): symbols[] = self.decl for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect_symbols(symbols, co_constraints) return symbols
[docs] def collect_nested_symbols(self, symbols: Set[SymbolDeclaration], is_nested: bool ) -> Set[SymbolDeclaration]: """ returns the set of symbol declarations that occur (in)directly under an aggregate or some nested term, where is_nested is flipped to True the moment we reach such an expression returns {SymbolDeclaration} """ for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect_nested_symbols(symbols, is_nested) return symbols
[docs] def generate_constructors(self, constructors: dict[str, List[Constructor]]): """ fills the list `constructors` with all constructors belonging to open types. """ for e in self.sub_exprs: e.generate_constructors(constructors)
[docs] def collect_co_constraints(self, co_constraints: OrderedSet, recursive=True): """ collects the constraints attached to AST nodes, e.g. instantiated definitions Args: recursive: if True, collect co_constraints of co_constraints too """ if self.co_constraint is not None and self.co_constraint not in co_constraints: co_constraints.append(self.co_constraint) if recursive: self.co_constraint.collect_co_constraints(co_constraints, recursive) for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect_co_constraints(co_constraints, recursive)
[docs] def is_value(self) -> bool: """True for numerals, date, identifiers, and constructors applied to values. Synomym: "is ground", "is rigid" Returns: bool: True if `self` represents a value. """ return False
[docs] def is_reified(self) -> bool: """False for values and for symbols applied to values. Returns: bool: True if `self` has to be reified to obtain its value in a Z3 model. """ return True
[docs] def is_assignment(self) -> bool: """ Returns: bool: True if `self` assigns a rigid term to a rigid function application """ return False
def has_decision(self) -> bool: # returns true if it contains a variable declared in decision # vocabulary return any(e.has_decision() for e in self.sub_exprs) def type_inference(self) -> dict[str, Symbol]: # returns a dictionary {Variable : Symbol} try: return dict(ChainMap(*(e.type_inference() for e in self.sub_exprs))) except AttributeError as e: if "has no attribute 'sorts'" in str(e): msg = f"Incorrect arity for {self}" else: msg = f"Unknown error for {self}" self.check(False, msg) return {} # dead code def __str__(self) -> str: return '' # monkey-patched def _change(self: Expression, sub_exprs: Optional[List[Expression]] = None, ops : Optional[List[str]] = None, simpler : Optional[Expression] = None, co_constraint : Optional[Expression] = None ) -> Expression: return self # monkey-patched def update_exprs(self, new_exprs: Generator[Expression, None, None]) -> Expression: return self # monkey-patched def simplify1(self) -> Expression: return self # monkey-patched def interpret(self, problem: Optional[Theory], subs: dict[str, Expression] ) -> Expression: return self # monkey-patched def _interpret(self, problem: Optional[Theory], subs: dict[str, Expression] ) -> Expression: return self # monkey-patched def substitute(self, e0: Expression, e1: Expression, assignments: Assignments, tag=None) -> Expression: return self # monkey-patched def simplify_with(self, assignments: Assignments, co_constraints_too=True) -> Expression: return self # monkey-patched def symbolic_propagate(self, assignments: Assignments, tag: Status, truth: Optional[Expression] = None ): return # monkey-patched def propagate1(self, assignments: Assignments, tag: Status, truth: Optional[Expression] = None ): return # monkey-patched def translate(self, problem: Theory, vars={}): pass # monkey-patched def reified(self, problem: Theory): pass # monkey-patched def translate1(self, problem: Theory, vars={}): pass # monkey-patched
[docs] def as_set_condition(self) -> Tuple[Optional[AppliedSymbol], Optional[bool], Optional[Enumeration]]: """Returns an equivalent expression of the type "x in y", or None Returns: Tuple[Optional[AppliedSymbol], Optional[bool], Optional[Enumeration]]: meaning "expr is (not) in enumeration" """ return (None, None, None)
[docs] def split_equivalences(self) -> Expression: """Returns an equivalent expression where equivalences are replaced by implications Returns: Expression """ out = self.update_exprs(e.split_equivalences() for e in self.sub_exprs) return out
[docs] def add_level_mapping(self, level_symbols: dict[SymbolDeclaration, Symbol], head: AppliedSymbol, pos_justification: bool, polarity: bool, mode: Semantics ) -> Expression: """Returns an expression where level mapping atoms (e.g., lvl_p > lvl_q) are added to atoms containing recursive symbols. Arguments: - level_symbols (dict[SymbolDeclaration, Symbol]): the level mapping symbols as well as their corresponding recursive symbols - head (AppliedSymbol): head of the rule we are adding level mapping symbols to. - pos_justification (Bool): whether we are adding symbols to the direct positive justification (e.g., head => body) or direct negative justification (e.g., body => head) part of the rule. - polarity (Bool): whether the current expression occurs under negation. """ return (self.update_exprs((e.add_level_mapping(level_symbols, head, pos_justification, polarity, mode) for e in self.sub_exprs)) .annotate1()) # update .variables
[docs]class Symbol(Expression): """Represents a Symbol. Handles synonyms. Attributes: name (string): name of the symbol """ TO = {'Bool': BOOL, 'Int': INT, 'Real': REAL, '`Bool': '`'+BOOL, '`Int': '`'+INT, '`Real': '`'+REAL,}
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, name: str): = unquote(name) = Symbol.TO.get(, self.sub_exprs = [] self.decl: Optional[SymbolDeclaration] = None super().__init__() self.variables = set()
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def is_value(self): return True
[docs] def has_element(self, term: Expression, interpretations: dict[str, SymbolInterpretation], extensions: dict[str, Extension] ) -> Expression: """Returns an expression that says whether `term` is in the type/predicate denoted by `self`. Args: term (Expression): the argument to be checked Returns: Expression: whether `term` is in the type denoted by `self`. """ assert self.decl is not None, "Internal error" self.check( == BOOL, "internal error") return self.decl.contains_element(term, interpretations, extensions)
def SYMBOL(name: str) -> Symbol: return Symbol(None, name)
[docs]class Type(Symbol): """ASTNode representing `aType` or `Concept[aSignature]`, e.g., `Concept[T*T->Bool]` Inherits from Symbol Args: name (Symbol): name of the concept ins (List[Symbol], Optional): domain of the Concept signature, e.g., `[T, T]` out (Symbol, Optional): range of the Concept signature, e.g., `Bool` """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, name:str, ins: Optional[List[Type]] = None, out: Optional[Type] = None): self.ins = ins self.out = out super().__init__(parent, name)
def __str__(self): return + ("" if not self.out else f"[{'*'.join(str(s) for s in self.ins)}->{self.out}]") def __eq__(self, other): self.check( != CONCEPT or self.out, f"`Concept` must be qualified with a type signature") return ( == and (not self.out or ( self.out == other.out and len(self.ins) == len(other.ins) and all(s==o for s, o in zip(self.ins, other.ins))))) def extension(self, interpretations: dict[str, SymbolInterpretation], extensions: dict[str, Extension] ) -> Extension: return extensions[""] # monkey-patched
[docs] def has_element(self, term: Expression, interpretations: dict[str, SymbolInterpretation], extensions: dict[str, Extension] ) -> Expression: """Returns an Expression that says whether `term` is in the type/predicate denoted by `self`. Args: term (Expression): the argument to be checked Returns: Expression: whether `term` `term` is in the type denoted by `self`. """ if == CONCEPT: extension = self.extension(interpretations, extensions)[0] assert extension is not None, "Internal error" comparisons = [EQUALS([term, c[0]]) for c in extension] return OR(comparisons) else: assert self.decl is not None, "Internal error" self.check( == BOOL, "internal error") return self.decl.contains_element(term, interpretations, extensions)
def TYPE(name: str, ins=None, out=None) -> Type: return Type(None, name, ins, out)
[docs]class AIfExpr(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 10 IF = 0 THEN = 1 ELSE = 2
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, if_f: Expression, then_f: Expression, else_f: Expression ): self.if_f = if_f self.then_f = then_f self.else_f = else_f self.sub_exprs = [self.if_f, self.then_f, self.else_f] super().__init__()
@classmethod def make(cls, if_f: Expression, then_f: Expression, else_f: Expression ) -> 'AIfExpr': out = (cls)(None, if_f=if_f, then_f=then_f, else_f=else_f) return out.annotate1().simplify1() def __str__(self): return (f"if {self.sub_exprs[AIfExpr.IF ].str}" f" then {self.sub_exprs[AIfExpr.THEN].str}" f" else {self.sub_exprs[AIfExpr.ELSE].str}")
[docs] def collect_nested_symbols(self, symbols, is_nested): return Expression.collect_nested_symbols(self, symbols, True)
def IF(IF: Expression, THEN: Expression, ELSE: Expression, annotations=None ) -> AIfExpr: return AIfExpr.make(IF, THEN, ELSE)
[docs]class Quantee(Expression): """represents the description of quantification, e.g., `x in T` or `(x,y) in P` The `Concept` type may be qualified, e.g. `Concept[Color->Bool]` Attributes: vars (List[List[Variable]]): the (tuples of) variables being quantified subtype (Type, Optional): a literal Type to quantify over, e.g., `Color` or `Concept[Color->Bool]`. sort (SymbolExpr, Optional): a dereferencing expression, e.g.,. `$(i)`. sub_exprs (List[SymbolExpr], Optional): the (unqualified) type or predicate to quantify over, e.g., `[Color], [Concept] or [$(i)]`. arity (int): the length of the tuple of variables decl (SymbolDeclaration, Optional): the (unqualified) Declaration to quantify over, after resolution of `$(i)`. e.g., the declaration of `Color` """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, vars: Union[List[Variable], List[List[Variable]]], subtype: Optional[Type] = None, sort: Optional[SymbolExpr] = None): self.subtype = subtype sort = sort if self.subtype: self.check( == CONCEPT or self.subtype.out is None, f"Can't use signature after predicate {}") self.sub_exprs = ([sort] if sort else [self.subtype] if self.subtype else []) self.arity = None self.vars : List[List[Variable]] = [] for i, v in enumerate(vars): if hasattr(v, 'vars'): # varTuple self.check(1 < len(v.vars), f"Can't have singleton in binary quantification") self.vars.append(v.vars) self.arity = len(v.vars) if self.arity == None else self.arity else: assert isinstance(v, Variable), "Internal error" self.vars.append([v]) self.arity = 1 if self.arity == None else self.arity super().__init__() self.decl = None self.check(all(len(v) == self.arity for v in self.vars), f"Inconsistent tuples in {self}")
@classmethod def make(cls, var: List[Variable], subtype: Optional[Type] = None, sort: Optional[SymbolExpr] = None ) -> 'Quantee': out = (cls) (None, [var], subtype=subtype, sort=sort) return out.annotate1() def __str__(self): signature = ("" if len(self.sub_exprs) <= 1 else f"[{','.join(t.str for t in self.sub_exprs[1:-1])}->{self.sub_exprs[-1]}]" ) return (f"{','.join(str(v) for vs in self.vars for v in vs)}" f"{f' ∈ {self.sub_exprs[0]}' if self.sub_exprs else ''}" f"{signature}")
[docs]def split_quantees(self): """replaces an untyped quantee `x,y,z` into 3 quantees, so that each variable can have its own sort Args: self: either a AQuantification, AAggregate or Rule""" if len(self.quantees)==1 and not self.quantees[0].sub_exprs: # separate untyped variables, so that they can be typed separately q = self.quantees.pop() for vars in q.vars: for var in vars: self.quantees.append(Quantee.make(var, sort=None))
[docs]class AQuantification(Expression): """ASTNode representing a quantified formula Args: annotations (dict[str, str]): The set of annotations given by the expert in the IDP-Z3 program. ``annotations['reading']`` is the annotation giving the intended meaning of the expression (in English). q (str): either '∀' or '∃' quantees (List[Quantee]): list of variable declarations f (Expression): the formula being quantified supersets, new_quantees, vars1: attributes used in `interpret` """ PRECEDENCE = 20
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, annotations, q, quantees, f): self.annotations = annotations self.q = q self.quantees: List[Quantee] = quantees self.f = f self.q = ('∀' if self.q in ['!', 'forall'] else '∃' if self.q in ["?", "thereisa"] else self.q) split_quantees(self) self.sub_exprs = [self.f] super().__init__() self.type = BOOL self.supersets: List[List[List[Union[Identifier, Variable]]]] = None self.new_quantees: List[Quantee] = None self.vars1 : List[Variable] = None
[docs] @classmethod def make(cls, q: str, quantees: List[Quantee], f: Expression, annotations=None ) -> 'AQuantification': "make and annotate a quantified formula" out = cls(None, annotations, q, quantees, f) return out.annotate1()
def __str__(self): if len(self.sub_exprs) == 0: body = TRUE.str if self.q == '∀' else FALSE.str elif len(self.sub_exprs) == 1: body = self.sub_exprs[0].str else: connective = '∧' if self.q == '∀' else '∨' body = connective.join("("+e.str+")" for e in self.sub_exprs) if self.quantees: vars = ','.join([f"{q}" for q in self.quantees]) return f"{self.q} {vars}: {body}" else: return body def __deecopy__(self, memo): # also called by AAgregate out = Expression.__deecopy__(self, memo) out.quantees = [deepcopy(q, memo) for q in out.quantees] return out
[docs] def collect(self, questions, all_=True, co_constraints=True): questions.append(self) if all_: Expression.collect(self, questions, all_, co_constraints) for q in self.quantees: q.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints)
[docs] def collect_symbols(self, symbols=None, co_constraints=True): symbols = Expression.collect_symbols(self, symbols, co_constraints) for q in self.quantees: q.collect_symbols(symbols, co_constraints) return symbols
def FORALL(qs, expr, annotations=None): return AQuantification.make('∀', qs, expr, annotations) def EXISTS(qs, expr, annotations=None): return AQuantification.make('∃', qs, expr, annotations)
[docs]class Operator(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 0 # monkey-patched MAP: dict[str, Callable] = dict() # monkey-patched NORMAL = { "is strictly less than": "<", "is less than": "≤", "=<": "≤", "is greater than": "≥", "is strictly greater than": ">", ">=" : "≥", "is not": "≠", "~=": "≠", "<=>": "⇔", "is the same as": "⇔", "are necessary and sufficient conditions for": "⇔", "<=": "⇐", "are necessary conditions for": "⇐", "=>": "⇒", "then": "⇒", "are sufficient conditions for": "⇒", "|": "∨", "or": "∨", "&": "∧", "and": "∧", "*": "⨯", "is": "=", }
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, operator, sub_exprs, annotations=None): self.operator = operator self.sub_exprs = sub_exprs self.operator = list(map( lambda op: Operator.NORMAL.get(op, op) , self.operator)) super().__init__(parent) self.type = BOOL if self.operator[0] in '&|∧∨⇒⇐⇔' \ else BOOL if self.operator[0] in '=<>≤≥≠' \ else None
[docs] @classmethod def make(cls, ops: Union[str, List[str]], operands: List[Expression], annotations=None, parent=None ) -> Expression: """ creates a BinaryOp beware: cls must be specific for ops ! """ if len(operands) == 0: if cls == AConjunction: return TRUE if cls == ADisjunction: return FALSE assert False, "Internal error" if len(operands) == 1: return operands[0] if isinstance(ops, str): ops = [ops] * (len(operands)-1) out = (cls)(parent, ops, operands, annotations) if parent: # for error messages out._tx_position = parent. _tx_position out._tx_position_end = parent. _tx_position_end if annotations: out.annotations = annotations return out.annotate1().simplify1()
def __str__(self): def parenthesis(precedence, x): return f"({x.str})" if type(x).PRECEDENCE <= precedence else f"{x.str}" precedence = type(self).PRECEDENCE temp = parenthesis(precedence, self.sub_exprs[0]) for i in range(1, len(self.sub_exprs)): temp += f" {self.operator[i-1]} {parenthesis(precedence, self.sub_exprs[i])}" return temp
[docs] def collect(self, questions, all_=True, co_constraints=True): if self.operator[0] in '=<>≤≥≠': questions.append(self) for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints)
[docs] def collect_nested_symbols(self, symbols, is_nested): return Expression.collect_nested_symbols(self, symbols, is_nested if self.operator[0] in ['∧','∨','⇒','⇐','⇔'] else True)
[docs]class AImplication(Operator): PRECEDENCE = 50
[docs] def add_level_mapping(self, level_symbols, head, pos_justification, polarity, mode): sub_exprs = [self.sub_exprs[0].add_level_mapping(level_symbols, head, pos_justification, not polarity, mode), self.sub_exprs[1].add_level_mapping(level_symbols, head, pos_justification, polarity, mode)] return self.update_exprs(sub_exprs).annotate1()
def IMPLIES(exprs, annotations=None): return AImplication.make('⇒', exprs, annotations)
[docs]class AEquivalence(Operator): PRECEDENCE = 40 # NOTE: also used to split rules into positive implication and negative implication. Please don't change. def split(self): posimpl = IMPLIES([self.sub_exprs[0], self.sub_exprs[1]]) negimpl = RIMPLIES(deepcopy([self.sub_exprs[0], self.sub_exprs[1]])) return AND([posimpl, negimpl])
[docs] def split_equivalences(self): out = self.update_exprs(e.split_equivalences() for e in self.sub_exprs) return out.split()
def EQUIV(exprs, annotations=None): return AEquivalence.make('⇔', exprs, annotations)
[docs]class ARImplication(Operator): PRECEDENCE = 30
[docs] def add_level_mapping(self, level_symbols, head, pos_justification, polarity, mode): sub_exprs = [self.sub_exprs[0].add_level_mapping(level_symbols, head, pos_justification, polarity, mode), self.sub_exprs[1].add_level_mapping(level_symbols, head, pos_justification, not polarity, mode)] return self.update_exprs(sub_exprs).annotate1()
def RIMPLIES(exprs, annotations): return ARImplication.make('⇐', exprs, annotations)
[docs]class ADisjunction(Operator): PRECEDENCE = 60 def __str__(self): if not hasattr(self, 'enumerated'): return super().__str__() return f"{self.sub_exprs[0].sub_exprs[0].code} in {{{self.enumerated}}}"
def OR(exprs): return ADisjunction.make('∨', exprs)
[docs]class AConjunction(Operator): PRECEDENCE = 70
def AND(exprs): return AConjunction.make('∧', exprs)
[docs]class AComparison(Operator): PRECEDENCE = 80
[docs] def is_assignment(self): # f(x)=y return (len(self.sub_exprs) == 2 and self.operator in [['='], ['≠']] and isinstance(self.sub_exprs[0], AppliedSymbol) and not self.sub_exprs[0].is_reified() and self.sub_exprs[1].is_value())
def EQUALS(exprs): return AComparison.make('=',exprs)
[docs]class ASumMinus(Operator): PRECEDENCE = 90
[docs]class AMultDiv(Operator): PRECEDENCE = 100
[docs]class APower(Operator): PRECEDENCE = 110
[docs]class AUnary(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 120 MAP : dict[str, Callable] = dict() # monkey-patched
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, operators: List[str], f: Expression): self.operators = operators self.f = f self.operators = ['¬' if c in ['~', 'not'] else c for c in self.operators] self.operator = self.operators[0] self.check(all([c == self.operator for c in self.operators]), "Incorrect mix of unary operators") self.sub_exprs = [self.f] super().__init__()
@classmethod def make(cls, op: str, expr: Expression) -> AUnary: out = AUnary(None, operators=[op], f=expr) return out.annotate1().simplify1() def __str__(self): return f"{self.operator}({self.sub_exprs[0].str})"
[docs] def add_level_mapping(self, level_symbols, head, pos_justification, polarity, mode): sub_exprs = (e.add_level_mapping(level_symbols, head, pos_justification, not polarity if self.operator == '¬' else polarity, mode) for e in self.sub_exprs) return self.update_exprs(sub_exprs).annotate1()
def NOT(expr): return AUnary.make('¬', expr)
[docs]class AAggregate(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 130
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, aggtype: str, quantees: List[Quantee], lambda_: Optional[str] = None, f: Optional[Expression] = None, if_: Optional[Expression] = None): self.aggtype = aggtype self.quantees: List[Quantee] = quantees self.lambda_ = lambda_ self.aggtype = ("#" if self.aggtype == "card" else "min" if self.aggtype == "minimum" else "max" if self.aggtype == "maximum" else self.aggtype) split_quantees(self) self.f = TRUE if f is None and self.aggtype == "#" else f self.sub_exprs = [self.f] # later: expressions to be summed if if_: self.sub_exprs.append(if_) self.annotated = False # cannot test q_vars, because aggregate may not have quantee self.q = '' self.supersets, self.new_quantees, self.vars1 = None, None, None super().__init__()
def __str__(self): # aggregates are over finite domains, and cannot have partial expansion if not self.annotated: assert len(self.sub_exprs) <= 2, "Internal error" vars = ",".join([f"{q}" for q in self.quantees]) if self.aggtype in ["sum", "min", "max"]: out = (f"{self.aggtype}(lambda {vars} : " f"{self.sub_exprs[0].str}" f"{f' if {self.sub_exprs[1]}' if len(self.sub_exprs) == 2 else ''}" f")" ) else: out = (f"{self.aggtype}{{{vars} : " f"{self.sub_exprs[0].str}" f"}}") else: out = (f"{self.aggtype}{{" f"{','.join(e.str for e in self.sub_exprs)}" f"}}") return out def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return super().__deepcopy__(memo)
[docs] def collect(self, questions, all_=True, co_constraints=True): if all_ or len(self.quantees) == 0: Expression.collect(self, questions, all_, co_constraints) for q in self.quantees: q.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints)
[docs] def collect_symbols(self, symbols=None, co_constraints=True): return AQuantification.collect_symbols(self, symbols, co_constraints)
[docs] def collect_nested_symbols(self, symbols, is_nested): return Expression.collect_nested_symbols(self, symbols, True)
[docs]class AppliedSymbol(Expression): """Represents a symbol applied to arguments Args: symbol (SymbolExpr): the symbol to be applied to arguments is_enumerated (string): '' or 'is enumerated' is_enumeration (string): '' or 'in' in_enumeration (Enumeration): the enumeration following 'in' as_disjunction (Optional[Expression]): the translation of 'is_enumerated' and 'in_enumeration' as a disjunction decl (Declaration): the declaration of the symbol, if known in_head (Bool): True if the AppliedSymbol occurs in the head of a rule """ PRECEDENCE = 200
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, symbol, sub_exprs, annotations=None, is_enumerated='', is_enumeration='', in_enumeration=''): self.annotations = annotations self.symbol : Symbol = symbol self.sub_exprs = sub_exprs self.is_enumerated = is_enumerated self.is_enumeration = is_enumeration if self.is_enumeration == '∉': self.is_enumeration = 'not' self.in_enumeration = in_enumeration super().__init__() self.as_disjunction = None self.decl = None self.in_head = False
@classmethod def make(cls, symbol: Symbol, args: List[Expression], **kwargs ) -> AppliedSymbol: out = cls(None, symbol, args, **kwargs) out.sub_exprs = args # annotate out.decl = symbol.decl return out.annotate1() @classmethod def construct(cls, constructor, args): out= cls.make(SYMBOL(, args) out.decl = constructor out.variables = {} return out def __str__(self): out = f"{self.symbol}({', '.join([x.str for x in self.sub_exprs])})" if self.in_enumeration: enum = f"{', '.join(str(e) for e in self.in_enumeration.tuples)}" return (f"{out}" f"{ ' '+self.is_enumerated if self.is_enumerated else ''}" f"{ f' {self.is_enumeration} {{{enum}}}' if self.in_enumeration else ''}") def __deepcopy__(self, memo): out = super().__deepcopy__(memo) out.symbol = deepcopy(out.symbol) out.as_disjunction = deepcopy(out.as_disjunction) return out
[docs] def collect(self, questions, all_=True, co_constraints=True): if self.decl and not in RESERVED_SYMBOLS: questions.append(self) if self.is_enumerated or self.in_enumeration: app = AppliedSymbol.make(self.symbol, self.sub_exprs) questions.append(app) self.symbol.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints) for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints) if co_constraints and self.co_constraint is not None: self.co_constraint.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints)
[docs] def collect_symbols(self, symbols=None, co_constraints=True): symbols = Expression.collect_symbols(self, symbols, co_constraints) self.symbol.collect_symbols(symbols, co_constraints) return symbols
[docs] def collect_nested_symbols(self, symbols, is_nested): if is_nested and (hasattr(self, 'decl') and self.decl and type(self.decl) != Constructor and not in RESERVED_SYMBOLS): symbols.add(self.decl) for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect_nested_symbols(symbols, True) return symbols
def has_decision(self): return ((self.decl.block is not None and not == 'environment') or any(e.has_decision() for e in self.sub_exprs)) def type_inference(self): if self.symbol.decl: self.check(self.symbol.decl.arity == len(self.sub_exprs), f"Incorrect number of arguments in {self}: " f"should be {self.symbol.decl.arity}") try: out = {} for i, e in enumerate(self.sub_exprs): if self.decl and isinstance(e, Variable): out[] = self.decl.sorts[i] else: out.update(e.type_inference()) return out except AttributeError as e: # if "object has no attribute 'sorts'" in str(e): msg = f"Unexpected arity for symbol {self}" else: msg = f"Unknown error for symbol {self}" self.check(False, msg)
[docs] def is_value(self) -> bool: # independent of is_enumeration and in_enumeration ! return (type(self.decl) == Constructor and all(e.is_value() for e in self.sub_exprs))
[docs] def is_reified(self): # independent of is_enumeration and in_enumeration ! return (not all (e.is_value() for e in self.sub_exprs))
[docs] def generate_constructors(self, constructors: dict): symbol = self.symbol.sub_exprs[0] if hasattr(symbol, 'name') and in ['unit', 'heading']: assert type(self.sub_exprs[0]) == UnappliedSymbol, "Internal error" constructor = CONSTRUCTOR(self.sub_exprs[0].name) constructors[].append(constructor)
[docs] def add_level_mapping(self, level_symbols, head, pos_justification, polarity, mode): assert head.symbol.decl in level_symbols, \ f"Internal error in level mapping: {self}" if (self.symbol.decl not in level_symbols or self.in_head or mode == Semantics.RECDATA): return self else: if mode == Semantics.WELLFOUNDED: op = ('>' if pos_justification else '≥') \ if polarity else ('≤' if pos_justification else '<') elif mode == Semantics.KRIPKEKLEENE: op = '>' if polarity else '≤' else: assert mode == Semantics.COINDUCTION, \ f"Internal error: {mode}" op = ('≥' if pos_justification else '>') \ if polarity else ('<' if pos_justification else '≤') comp = AComparison.make(op, [ AppliedSymbol.make(level_symbols[head.symbol.decl], head.sub_exprs), AppliedSymbol.make(level_symbols[self.symbol.decl], self.sub_exprs) ]) if polarity: return AND([comp, self]) else: return OR([comp, self])
[docs]class SymbolExpr(Expression):
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, s, eval=''): self.eval = eval self.sub_exprs = [s] self.decl = self.sub_exprs[0].decl if not self.eval else None super().__init__()
def __str__(self): return (f"$({self.sub_exprs[0]})" if self.eval else f"{self.sub_exprs[0]}") def is_intentional(self): return self.eval
[docs]class UnappliedSymbol(Expression): """The result of parsing a symbol not applied to arguments. Can be a constructor or a quantified variable. Variables are converted to Variable() by annotate(). """ PRECEDENCE = 200
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, s): self.s = s = Expression.__init__(self) self.sub_exprs = [] self.decl = None self.is_enumerated = None self.is_enumeration = None self.in_enumeration = None
[docs] @classmethod def construct(cls, constructor: Constructor): """Create an UnappliedSymbol from a constructor """ out = (cls)(None, s=SYMBOL( out.decl = constructor out.variables = set() return out
[docs] def is_value(self): return True
[docs] def is_reified(self): return False
def __str__(self): return
TRUEC = CONSTRUCTOR('true') FALSEC = CONSTRUCTOR('false') TRUE = UnappliedSymbol.construct(TRUEC) FALSE = UnappliedSymbol.construct(FALSEC)
[docs]class Variable(Expression): """AST node for a variable in a quantification or aggregate Args: name (str): name of the variable sort (Optional[Union[Type, Symbol]]): sort of the variable, if known """ PRECEDENCE = 200
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, name:str, sort: Optional[Union[Type, Symbol]]=None): = name sort = sort self.sort = sort assert sort is None or isinstance(sort, Type) or isinstance(sort, Symbol), \ f"Internal error: {self}" super().__init__() self.type = if sort and sort.decl else '' self.sub_exprs = [] self.variables = set([])
def __str__(self): return def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self
[docs] def annotate1(self): return self
def has_variables(self) -> bool: return True
def VARIABLE(name: str, sort: Union[Type, Symbol]): return Variable(None, name, sort)
[docs]class Number(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 200
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.number = kwargs.pop('number') super().__init__() self.sub_exprs = [] self.variables = set() self.py_value = 0 # to get the type ops = self.number.split("/") if len(ops) == 2: # possible with str_to_IDP on Z3 value self.py_value = Fraction(self.number) self.type = REAL elif '.' in self.number: self.py_value = Fraction(self.number if not self.number.endswith('?') else self.number[:-1]) self.type = REAL else: self.py_value = int(self.number) self.type = INT
def __str__(self): return self.number
[docs] def real(self): """converts the INT number to REAL""" self.check(self.type in [INT, REAL], f"Can't convert {self} to {REAL}") return Number(number=str(float(self.py_value)))
[docs] def is_value(self): return True
[docs] def is_reified(self): return False
ZERO = Number(number='0') ONE = Number(number='1')
[docs]class Date(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 200
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.iso = kwargs.pop('iso') dt = ( if self.iso == '#TODAY' else date.fromisoformat(self.iso[1:])) if 'y' in kwargs: y = int(kwargs.pop('y')) m = int(kwargs.pop('m')) d = int(kwargs.pop('d')) dt = dt + relativedelta(years=y, months=m, days=d) = dt super().__init__() self.sub_exprs = [] self.variables = set() self.py_value = int( self.type = DATE
@classmethod def make(cls, value: int) -> Date: return cls(iso=f"#{date.fromordinal(value).isoformat()}") def __str__(self): return f"#{}"
[docs] def is_value(self): return True
[docs] def is_reified(self): return False
[docs]class Brackets(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 200
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.f = kwargs.pop('f') self.annotations = kwargs.pop('annotations') if not self.annotations: self.annotations = {'reading': self.f.annotations['reading']} self.sub_exprs = [self.f] super().__init__()
# don't @use_value, to have parenthesis def __str__(self): return f"({self.sub_exprs[0].str})"
[docs]class RecDef(Expression): """represents a recursive definition """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, name, vars, expr): self.parent = parent = name self.vars = vars self.sub_exprs = [expr] Expression.__init__(self) if parent: # for error messages self._tx_position = parent. _tx_position self._tx_position_end = parent. _tx_position_end
def __str__(self): return (f"{}(" f"{', '.join(str(v) for v in self.vars)}" f") = {self.sub_exprs[0]}.")
Identifier = Union[AppliedSymbol, UnappliedSymbol, Number, Date] Extension = Tuple[Optional[List[List[Identifier]]], # None if the extension is infinite (e.g., Int) Optional[Callable]] # None if filtering is not required