Source code for idp_engine.Run

# Copyright 2019-2023 Ingmar Dasseville, Pierre Carbonnelle
# This file is part of IDP-Z3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


The following Python functions can be used to perform computations
using FO-dot knowledge bases:

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import copy
import gc
import logging
import time
import types
from typing import Any, Iterator, Union
from z3 import Solver

from .Parse import IDP, TheoryBlock, Structure
from .Theory import Theory
from .Assignments import Status as S, Assignments
from .utils import NEWL, IDPZ3Error, PROCESS_TIMINGS

last_call = time.process_time()  # define it as global

[docs]def model_check(*theories: Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]) -> str: """Returns a string stating whether the combination of theories is satisfiable. For example, ``print(model_check(T, S))`` will print ``sat`` if theory named ``T`` has a model expanding structure named ``S``. Args: theories (Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]): 1 or more (data) theories. Returns: str: ``sat``, ``unsat`` or ``unknown`` """ ground_start = time.time() problem = Theory(*theories) z3_formula = problem.formula() PROCESS_TIMINGS['ground'] += time.time() - ground_start solver = Solver(ctx=problem.ctx) solver.add(z3_formula) return str(solver.check())
[docs]def model_expand(*theories: Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory], max: int = 10, timeout_seconds: int = 10, complete: bool = False, extended: bool = False, sort: bool = False ) -> Iterator[str]: """Returns a (possibly empty) list of models of the combination of theories, followed by a string message. For example, ``print(model_expand(T, S))`` will return (up to) 10 string representations of models of theory named ``T`` expanding structure named ``S``. The string message can be one of the following: - ``No models.`` - ``More models may be available. Change the max argument to see them.`` - ``More models may be available. Change the timeout_seconds argument to see them.`` - ``More models may be available. Change the max and timeout_seconds arguments to see them.`` Args: theories (Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]): 1 or more (data) theories. max (int, optional): max number of models. Defaults to 10. timeout_seconds (int, optional): timeout_seconds seconds. Defaults to 10. complete (bool, optional): True to obtain complete structures. Defaults to False. extended (bool, optional): use `True` when the truth value of inequalities and quantified formula is of interest (e.g. for the Interactive Consultant). Defaults to False. sort (bool, optional): True if the models should be in alphabetical order. Defaults to False. Yields: str """ ground_start = time.time() problem = Theory(*theories, extended=extended) PROCESS_TIMINGS['ground'] += time.time() - ground_start solve_start = time.time() ms = list(problem.expand(max=max, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds, complete=complete)) if isinstance(ms[-1], str): ms, last = ms[:-1], ms[-1] else: last = "" if sort: ms = sorted([str(m) for m in ms]) out = "" for i, m in enumerate(ms): out = out + (f"{NEWL}Model {i+1}{NEWL}==========\n{m}\n") yield out + last PROCESS_TIMINGS['solve'] += time.time() - solve_start
[docs]def model_propagate(*theories: Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory], sort: bool = False ) -> Iterator[str]: """ Returns a list of assignments that are true in any model of the combination of theories. Terms and symbols starting with '_' are ignored. For example, ``print(model_propagate(T, S))`` will return the assignments that are true in any expansion of the structure named ``S`` consistent with the theory named ``T``. Args: theories (Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]): 1 or more (data) theories. sort (bool, optional): True if the assignments should be in alphabetical order. Defaults to False. Yields: str """ ground_start = time.time() problem = Theory(*theories) PROCESS_TIMINGS['ground'] += time.time() - ground_start solve_start = time.time() if sort: ms = [str(m) for m in problem._propagate(tag=S.CONSEQUENCE)] ms = sorted(ms[:-1]) + [ms[-1]] out = "" for i, m in enumerate(ms[:-1]): out = out + (f"{NEWL}Model {i+1}{NEWL}==========\n{m}\n") yield out + f"{ms[-1]}" else: yield from problem._propagate(tag=S.CONSEQUENCE) PROCESS_TIMINGS['solve'] += time.time() - solve_start
[docs]def maximize(*theories: Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory], term: str ) -> Theory: """Returns a model that maximizes `term`. Args: theories (Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]): 1 or more (data) theories. term (str): a string representing a term Yields: str """ return next(Theory(*theories).optimize(term, minimize=False).expand())
[docs]def minimize(*theories: Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory], term: str ) -> Theory: """Returns a model that minimizes `term`. Args: theories (Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]): 1 or more (data) theories. term (str): a string representing a term Yields: str """ return next(Theory(*theories).optimize(term, minimize=True).expand())
[docs]def decision_table(*theories: Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory], goal_string: str = "", timeout_seconds: int = 20, max_rows: int = 50, first_hit: bool = True, verify: bool = False ) -> Iterator[str]: """Experimental. Returns a decision table for `goal_string`, given the combination of theories. Args: theories (Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]): 1 or more (data) theories. goal_string (str, optional): the last column of the table. Must be a predicate application defined in the theory, e.g. ``eligible()``. timeout_seconds (int, optional): maximum duration in seconds. Defaults to 20. max_rows (int, optional): maximum number of rows. Defaults to 50. first_hit (bool, optional): requested hit-policy. Defaults to True. verify (bool, optional): request verification of table completeness. Defaults to False Yields: a textual representation of each rule """ ground_start = time.time() problem = Theory(*theories, extended=True) PROCESS_TIMINGS['ground'] += time.time() - ground_start solve_start = time.time() models, timeout_hit = problem.decision_table(goal_string, timeout_seconds, max_rows, first_hit, verify) PROCESS_TIMINGS['solve'] += time.time() - solve_start for model in models: row = f'{NEWL}∧ '.join(str(a) for a in model if a.sentence.code != goal_string) has_goal = model[-1].sentence.code == goal_string yield((f"{(f' {row}{NEWL}') if row else ''}" f"⇒ {str(model[-1]) if has_goal else '?'}")) yield("") yield "end of decision table" if timeout_hit: yield "**** Timeout was reached. ****"
[docs]def determine_relevance(*theories: Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]) -> Iterator[str]: """Generates a list of questions that are relevant, or that can appear in a justification of a ``goal_symbol``. The questions are preceded with `` ? `` when their answer is unknown. When an *irrelevant* value is changed in a model M of the theories, the resulting M' structure is still a model. Relevant questions are those that are not irrelevant. If ``goal_symbol`` has an enumeration in the theory (e.g., ``goal_symbol := {`tax_amount}.``), relevance is computed relative to those goals. Definitions in the theory are ignored, unless they influence axioms in the theory or goals in ``goal_symbol``. Yields: relevant questions """ problem = Theory(*theories, extended=True).propagate() problem.determine_relevance() for ass in problem.assignments.values(): if ass.relevant: yield str(ass)
[docs]def pretty_print(x: Any ="") -> None: """Prints its argument on stdout, in a readable form. Args: x (Any, optional): the result of an API call. Defaults to "". """ if type(x) is tuple and len(x)==2: # result of Theory.explain() facts, laws = x for f in facts: print(str(f)) for l in laws: print(l.annotations['reading']) elif isinstance(x, types.GeneratorType): for i, xi in enumerate(x): if isinstance(xi, Assignments): print(f"{NEWL}Model {i+1}{NEWL}==========") print(xi) else: print(xi) elif isinstance(x, Theory): print(x.assignments) else: print(x)
[docs]def duration(msg: str = "") -> str: """Returns the processing time since the last call to `duration()`, or since the begining of execution""" global last_call out = round(time.process_time() - last_call, 3) last_call = time.process_time() return f"{out} {msg}"
[docs]def execute(self: IDP) -> None: """ Execute the ``main()`` procedure block in the IDP program """ global last_call last_call = time.process_time() main = str(self.procedures['main']) mybuiltins = {} mylocals = copy(self.vocabularies) mylocals.update(self.theories) mylocals.update(self.structures) mylocals['gc'] = gc mylocals['logging'] = logging mylocals['model_check'] = model_check mylocals['model_expand'] = model_expand mylocals['model_propagate'] = model_propagate mylocals['minimize'] = minimize mylocals['maximize'] = maximize mylocals['decision_table'] = decision_table mylocals['determine_relevance'] = determine_relevance mylocals['pretty_print'] = pretty_print mylocals['Theory'] = Theory mylocals['time'] = time mylocals['duration'] = duration try: exec(main, mybuiltins, mylocals) except (SyntaxError, AttributeError) as e: raise IDPZ3Error(f'Error in procedure, {e}')
IDP.execute = execute Done = True