Source code for idp_engine.Annotate

# Copyright 2019-2023 Ingmar Dasseville, Pierre Carbonnelle
# This file is part of IDP-Z3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Methods to annotate the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of an IDP-Z3 program.

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from itertools import chain
from typing import Union, List, NamedTuple, Optional
import string  # .digits

from .Parse import (IDP, Vocabulary, Import, TypeDeclaration, Declaration,
                    SymbolDeclaration, VarDeclaration, TheoryBlock, Definition,
                    Rule, Structure, SymbolInterpretation, Enumeration, Ranges,
                    FunctionEnum, TupleIDP, ConstructedFrom, Display)
from .Expression import (ASTNode, Expression, SETNAME, SetName,
                         Constructor, CONSTRUCTOR, AIfExpr, IF,
                         AQuantification, Quantee, ARImplication, AImplication,
                         AEquivalence, AConjunction, ADisjunction,
                         Operator, AComparison, ASumMinus, AMultDiv, APower, AUnary,
                         AAggregate, AppliedSymbol, UnappliedSymbol, Variable,
                         VARIABLE, Brackets, SymbolExpr, Number, NOT,
                         EQUALS, AND, OR, FALSE, ZERO, IMPLIES, FORALL, EXISTS)

                    OrderedSet, Semantics)

Exceptions = Union[Exception, List["Exceptions"]]  # nested list of Exceptions

Annotated = Expression
# class Annotated(NamedTuple):
#     node: Expression
#     wdf: Expression
#     warnings: Exceptions

# Class Vocabulary  #######################################################

def annotate_block(self: ASTNode,
                   idp: IDP,
                   ) -> Exceptions:
    assert isinstance(self, Vocabulary), "Internal error"
    self.idp = idp

    # process Import and determine the constructors of CONCEPT
    temp: dict[str, Declaration] = {}  # contains the new self.declarations
    for s in self.declarations:
        if isinstance(s, Import):
            other = self.idp.vocabularies[]
            for s1 in other.declarations:
                if in temp:
                    s.check(str(temp[]) == str(s1),
                            f"Inconsistent declaration for {}")
                temp[] = s1
            s.block = self
            s.check( not in temp or in RESERVED_SYMBOLS,
                    f"Duplicate declaration of {}")
            temp[] = s
    self.declarations = list(temp.values())

    # annotate declarations
    for s in self.declarations:
        s.annotate_declaration(self)  # updates self.symbol_decls

    BOOL_SETNAME.annotate(self, {})
    INT_SETNAME.annotate(self, {})
    REAL_SETNAME.annotate(self, {})
    DATE_SETNAME.annotate(self, {})

    concepts = self.symbol_decls[CONCEPT]
                            for s in [BOOL, INT, REAL, DATE, CONCEPT]]
                            for s in temp.values()
                            if not in RESERVED_SYMBOLS
                            and type(s) in Declaration.__args__])
    for c in concepts.constructors:
        c.concept_decl = self.symbol_decls[[1:]]
        c.codomain = SetName(self, CONCEPT,,
                          c.concept_decl.codomain).annotate(self, {})

        self.symbol_decls[] = c[str(c)] = UnappliedSymbol.construct(c)
    return []
Vocabulary.annotate_block = annotate_block

# Class TypeDeclaration  #######################################################

def annotate_declaration(self: ASTNode,
                         voc: Vocabulary,
                         ) -> ASTNode:
    assert isinstance(self, TypeDeclaration), "Internal error"
    self.check( not in voc.symbol_decls,
                f"duplicate declaration in vocabulary: {}")
    voc.symbol_decls[] = self
    for s in
        s.annotate(voc, {})
    self.codomain.annotate(voc, {})
    for c in self.constructors:
        c.codomain =[0]
        self.check( not in voc.symbol_decls or == CONCEPT,
                    f"duplicate '{}' constructor for '{}' type")
        voc.symbol_decls[] = c
    if self.interpretation:
        self.interpretation.annotate(voc, {})
    return self
TypeDeclaration.annotate_declaration = annotate_declaration

# Class SymbolDeclaration  #######################################################

def annotate_declaration(self: SymbolDeclaration,
                         voc: Vocabulary,
                         ) -> ASTNode:
    self.check( is not None, "Internal error")
    self.check( not in voc.symbol_decls,
                f"duplicate declaration in vocabulary: {}")
    voc.symbol_decls[] = self
    for s in
        s.annotate(voc, {})
        s.check(s.root_set is not None,
                f"Can't use n-ary {} in a type signature")
    self.codomain.annotate(voc, {})
    self.arity = len([d for d in if d.root_set is not EMPTY_SETNAME])

    for s in chain(, [self.codomain]):
        self.check( != CONCEPT or s == s, # use equality to check nested concepts
                   f"`Concept` must be qualified with a type signature in {self}")

    self.symbol_expr = SymbolExpr.make(
    self.symbol_expr.decl = self
    return self
SymbolDeclaration.annotate_declaration = annotate_declaration

# Class VarDeclaration  #######################################################

def annotate_declaration(self: ASTNode,
                         voc: Vocabulary,
                         ) -> ASTNode:
    assert isinstance(self, VarDeclaration), "Internal error"
    self.check( not in voc.symbol_decls,
                f"duplicate declaration in vocabulary: {}")
    self.check( ==,
                f"Variable {} cannot be declared with a digital suffix.")
    voc.symbol_decls[] = self
    self.subtype.annotate(voc, {})
    return self
VarDeclaration.annotate_declaration = annotate_declaration

# Class SetName  #######################################################

[docs]def root_set(s: SetName) -> SetName: """ Recursively finds the root set of a set in the hierarchy. It goes up the hierarchy until a declared type or a Concept[..] is found. """ if type(s.decl) == TypeDeclaration: if s.decl.interpretation and hasattr(s.decl.interpretation.enumeration, "type"): return s.decl.interpretation.enumeration.type # numeric type of the interpretation else: return s elif == CONCEPT: return s elif s.decl.arity == 0: return EMPTY_SETNAME elif len( == 1: return root_set([0]) return None
def annotate(self: Expression, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: assert isinstance(self, SetName), "Internal error" if in q_vars: return q_vars[] self.check( in voc.symbol_decls, f'Undeclared symbol name: "{}"') self.decl = voc.symbol_decls[] self.variables = set() self.type = self.decl.codomain self.root_set = root_set(self) if self.codomain: # a concept domain self.concept_domains = [s.annotate(voc, q_vars) for s in self.concept_domains] for s in self.concept_domains: s.check(s.root_set is not None, f"Can't use n-ary {} in a type signature") self.codomain = self.codomain.annotate(voc, q_vars) return self SetName.annotate = annotate # Class TheoryBlock ####################################################### def annotate_block(self: ASTNode, idp: IDP, ) -> Exceptions: out = [] assert isinstance(self, TheoryBlock), "Internal error" self.check(self.vocab_name in idp.vocabularies, f"Unknown vocabulary: {self.vocab_name}") self.voc = idp.vocabularies[self.vocab_name] for i in self.interpretations.values(): i.block = self i.annotate(self.voc, {}) self.voc.add_voc_to_block(self) self.definitions = [e.annotate(self.voc, {}) for e in self.definitions] constraints = OrderedSet() for c in self.constraints: c1 = c.annotate(self.voc, {}) c1.check(c1.type == BOOL_SETNAME, f"Formula {c.code} must be boolean, not {c1.type}") constraints.append(c1) self.constraints = constraints return out TheoryBlock.annotate_block = annotate_block # Class Definition ####################################################### def annotate(self: Expression, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: assert isinstance(self, Definition), "Internal error" self.rules = [r.annotate(voc, q_vars) for r in self.rules] # create level-mapping symbols, as needed # self.level_symbols: dict[SymbolDeclaration, SetName] dependencies = set() for r in self.rules: symbs: dict[str, SymbolDeclaration] = {} r.body.collect_symbols(symbs) for s in symbs.values(): dependencies.add((r.definiendum.symbol.decl, s)) while True: new_relations = set((x, w) for x, y in dependencies for q, w in dependencies if q == y) closure_until_now = dependencies | new_relations if len(closure_until_now) == len(dependencies): break dependencies = closure_until_now # check for nested recursive symbols symbs = {s for (s, ss) in dependencies if s == ss} nested: set[SymbolDeclaration] = set() for r in self.rules: decl = r.definiendum.symbol.decl r.body.collect_nested_symbols(nested, False) if decl in symbs and decl not in self.inductive: self.inductive.add(decl) if self.mode == Semantics.RECDATA: # check that the variables in r.out are in the arguments of definiendum for r in self.rules: if r.out: args = set() for e in r.definiendum.sub_exprs: for v in e.variables: args.add(v) error = list(set(r.out.variables) - args) self.check(len(error) == 0, f"Eliminate variable {error} in the head of : {r}") # check for nested recursive symbols nested = set() for r in self.rules: r.body.collect_nested_symbols(nested, False) for decl in self.inductive: self.check(decl not in nested, f"Inductively defined nested symbols are not supported yet: " f"{}.") if self.mode != Semantics.RECDATA: self.check(decl.codomain == BOOL_SETNAME, f"Inductively defined functions are not supported yet: " f"{}.") # create common variables, and rename vars in rule self.canonicals = {} for r in self.rules: # create common variables decl = voc.symbol_decls[] if not in self.def_vars: name = f"{}_" q_v = {f"{}{str(i)}_": VARIABLE(f"{}{str(i)}_", sort) for i, sort in enumerate(} if decl.codomain != BOOL_SETNAME: q_v[name] = VARIABLE(name, decl.codomain) self.def_vars[] = q_v # rename the variables in the arguments of the definiendum new_vars_dict = self.def_vars[] new_vars = list(new_vars_dict.values()) renamed = deepcopy(r) vars = { : var for q in renamed.quantees for vars in q.vars for var in vars} args = renamed.definiendum.sub_exprs + ([renamed.out] if r.out else []) r.check(len(args) == len(new_vars), "Internal error") for i in range(len(args)- (1 if r.out else 0)): # without rule.out arg, nv = renamed.definiendum.sub_exprs[i], new_vars[i] if type(arg) == Variable \ and in vars and not in new_vars_dict: # a variable, but not repeated (and not a new variable name, by chance) del vars[] rename_args(renamed, { nv}) else: eq = EQUALS([nv, arg]) renamed.body = AND([eq, renamed.body]) canonical = deepcopy(renamed) inferred = renamed.body.type_inference(voc) for v in vars.values(): renamed.body = EXISTS([Quantee.make(v, sort=v.type) .annotate_quantee(voc, {}, inferred)], renamed.body) self.renamed.setdefault(decl, []).append(renamed) # rename the variable for the value of the definiendum if r.out: # now process r.out arg, nv = canonical.out, new_vars[-1] if type(arg) == Variable \ and in vars and not in new_vars: # a variable, but not repeated (and not a new variable name, by chance) del vars[] rename_args(canonical, { nv}) else: eq = EQUALS([nv, arg]) canonical.body = AND([eq, canonical.body]) inferred = canonical.body.type_inference(voc) for v in vars.values(): canonical.body = EXISTS([Quantee.make(v, sort=v.type) .annotate_quantee(voc, {}, inferred)], canonical.body) canonical.definiendum.sub_exprs = new_vars[:-1] if r.out else new_vars canonical.out = new_vars[-1] if r.out else None canonical.quantees = [Quantee.make(v, sort=v.type) for v in new_vars] self.canonicals.setdefault(decl, []).append(canonical) # join the bodies of rules for decl, rules in self.canonicals.items(): new_rule = copy(rules[0]) exprs = [deepcopy(rule.body) for rule in rules] new_rule.body = OR(exprs) self.clarks[decl] = new_rule return self Definition.annotate = annotate # Class Rule ####################################################### def annotate(self: Expression, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: assert isinstance(self, Rule), "Internal error" self.original = copy(self) self.check(, f"No support for intentional objects in the head of a rule: " f"{self}") # create head variables q_v = copy(q_vars) inferred = self.definiendum.type_inference(voc) inferred.update(self.body.type_inference(voc)) for q in self.quantees: q.annotate_quantee(voc, q_vars, inferred) for vars in q.vars: for var in vars: var.type = q.sub_exprs[0] if q.sub_exprs else None q_v[] = var self.definiendum = self.definiendum.annotate(voc, q_v) self.body = self.body.annotate(voc, q_v) if self.out: self.out = self.out.annotate(voc, q_v) return self Rule.annotate = annotate
[docs]def rename_args(self: Rule, subs: dict[str, Expression]): """replace old variables by new variables (ignoring arguments in the head before the it """ self.body = self.body.interpret(None, subs) self.out = (self.out.interpret(None, subs) if self.out else self.out) args = self.definiendum.sub_exprs for j in range(0, len(args)): args[j] = args[j].interpret(None, subs)
# Class Structure ####################################################### def annotate_block(self: ASTNode, idp: IDP, ) -> Exceptions: """ Annotates the structure with the enumerations found in it. Every enumeration is converted into an assignment, which is added to `self.assignments`. :arg idp: a `Parse.IDP` object. :returns None: """ assert isinstance(self, Structure), "Internal error" self.check(self.vocab_name in idp.vocabularies, f"Unknown vocabulary: {self.vocab_name}") self.voc = idp.vocabularies[self.vocab_name] for i in self.interpretations.values(): i.block = self i.annotate(self.voc, {}) self.voc.add_voc_to_block(self) return [] Structure.annotate_block = annotate_block # Class SymbolInterpretation ####################################################### def annotate(self: Expression, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: """ Annotate the symbol. :arg block: a Structure object :returns None: """ assert isinstance(self, SymbolInterpretation), "Internal error" self.symbol_decl = voc.symbol_decls[] enumeration = self.enumeration # shorthand # create constructors if it is a type enumeration self.is_type_enumeration = (type(self.symbol_decl) != SymbolDeclaration) if self.is_type_enumeration and enumeration.constructors: # create Constructors before annotating the tuples for c in enumeration.constructors: if type(self.symbol_decl) == TypeDeclaration: c.codomain =[0] self.check( not in voc.symbol_decls, f"duplicate '{}' constructor for '{}' symbol") voc.symbol_decls[] = c #TODO risk of side-effects => use local decls ? issue #81 enumeration.annotate(voc, q_vars) self.check(self.is_type_enumeration or all(s not in [INT_SETNAME, REAL_SETNAME, DATE_SETNAME] # finite domain #TODO for s in or self.default is None, f"Can't use default value for '{}' on infinite domain nor for type enumeration.") self.check(not(self.symbol_decl.codomain.root_set == BOOL_SETNAME and type(enumeration) == FunctionEnum), f"Can't use function enumeration for predicates '{}' (yet)") # predicate enumeration have FALSE default if type(enumeration) != FunctionEnum and self.default is None: self.default = FALSE if self.default is not None: self.default = self.default.annotate(voc, {}) self.check(self.default.is_value(), f"Value for '{}' may only use numerals," f" identifiers or constructors: '{self.default}'") return self SymbolInterpretation.annotate = annotate # Class Enumeration ####################################################### def annotate(self: Expression, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: assert isinstance(self, Enumeration), "Internal error" if self.tuples: for t in self.tuples: t.annotate(voc, q_vars) return self Enumeration.annotate = annotate # Class TupleIDP ####################################################### def annotate(self: Expression, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: assert isinstance(self, TupleIDP), "Internal error" self.args = [arg.annotate(voc, q_vars) for arg in self.args] self.check(all(a.is_value() for a in self.args), f"Interpretation may only contain numerals," f" identifiers or constructors: '{self}'") return self TupleIDP.annotate = annotate # Class ConstructedFrom ####################################################### def annotate(self: ASTNode, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: assert isinstance(self, ConstructedFrom), "Internal error" for c in self.constructors: for i, ts in enumerate(c.args): if not ts.accessor: ts.accessor = f"{}_{i}" if ts.accessor in self.accessors: self.check(self.accessors[ts.accessor] == i, "Accessors used at incompatible indices") else: self.accessors[ts.accessor] = i c.annotate(voc, q_vars) return self ConstructedFrom.annotate = annotate # Class Constructor ####################################################### def annotate(self: Expression, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: assert isinstance(self, Constructor), "Internal error" for a in self.args: self.check( in voc.symbol_decls, f"Unknown type: {a.codomain}" ) a.decl = SymbolDeclaration.make(self, name=a.accessor, sorts=[self.codomain], out=a.codomain) a.decl.by_z3 = True a.decl.annotate_declaration(voc) for s in s.annotate(voc, {}) self.tester = SymbolDeclaration.make(self, name=f"is_{}", sorts=[self.codomain], out=BOOL_SETNAME) self.tester.by_z3 = True self.tester.annotate_declaration(voc) return self Constructor.annotate = annotate # Class Display ####################################################### def annotate_block(self: ASTNode, idp: IDP, ) -> Exceptions: assert isinstance(self, Display), "Internal error" self.voc = idp.vocabulary # add display predicates viewType = TypeDeclaration(self, name='_ViewType', constructors=[CONSTRUCTOR('normal'), CONSTRUCTOR('expanded')]) viewType.annotate_declaration(self.voc) # Check the AST for any constructors that belong to open types. # For now, the only open types are `unit`, `heading` and `introduction`. open_constructors = {'unit': [], 'heading': [], 'introduction': []} for constraint in self.constraints: constraint.generate_constructors(open_constructors) # Next, we convert the list of constructors to actual types. open_types: dict[str, Optional[SetName]] = {} for name, constructors in open_constructors.items(): # If no constructors were found, then the type is not used. if not constructors: open_types[name] = None continue type_name = name.capitalize() # e.g. type Unit (not unit) open_type = TypeDeclaration(self, name=type_name, constructors=constructors) open_type.annotate_declaration(self.voc) open_types[name] = SETNAME(type_name) for name, out in [ ('expand', BOOL_SETNAME), ('hide', BOOL_SETNAME), ('view', SETNAME('_ViewType')), ('moveSymbols', BOOL_SETNAME), ('optionalPropagation', BOOL_SETNAME), ('manualPropagation', BOOL_SETNAME), ('optionalRelevance', BOOL_SETNAME), ('manualRelevance', BOOL_SETNAME), ('unit', open_types['unit']), ('heading', open_types['heading']), ('introduction', open_types['introduction']), ('counter', BOOL_SETNAME), ('noOptimization', BOOL_SETNAME) ]: symbol_decl = SymbolDeclaration.make(self, name=name, sorts=[], out=out) symbol_decl.annotate_declaration(self.voc) # annotate constraints and interpretations for constraint in self.constraints: constraint.annotate(self.voc, {}) for i in self.interpretations.values(): i.block = self i.annotate(self.voc, {}) return [] Display.annotate_block = annotate_block # Class Expression ####################################################### def annotate(self: Expression, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: """annotate tree after parsing Resolve names and determine type as well as variables in the expression Args: voc (Vocabulary): the vocabulary q_vars (dict[str, Variable]): the quantifier variables that may appear in the expression Returns: Expression: an equivalent AST node, with updated type, .variables """ self.sub_exprs = [e.annotate(voc, q_vars) for e in self.sub_exprs] return self.fill_attributes_and_check() Expression.annotate = annotate def fill_attributes_and_check(self: Expression) -> Expression: " annotations that are common to __init__ and make() " self.variables = set() for e in self.sub_exprs: self.variables.update(e.variables) return self Expression.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class AIfExpr ####################################################### def fill_attributes_and_check(self: AIfExpr) -> Expression: self.sub_exprs[0].check(self.sub_exprs[0].type == BOOL_SETNAME, f"Boolean expected ({self.sub_exprs[0].type} found)") self.type = base_type(self.sub_exprs[1:]) return Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) AIfExpr.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class Quantee ####################################################### def annotate_quantee(self: Expression, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable], inferred: dict[str, SetName] ) -> Annotated: assert isinstance(self, Quantee), "Internal error" Expression.annotate(self, voc, q_vars) for vars in self.vars: for i, var in enumerate(vars): self.check( not in voc.symbol_decls or type(voc.symbol_decls[]) == VarDeclaration, f"the quantified variable '{}' cannot have" f" the same name as another symbol") # 1. get variable sort from the quantee, if possible if len(vars) == 1 and self.sub_exprs and type(self.sub_exprs[0]) == SetName: var.type = self.sub_exprs[0] # `x in p` or `x in Concept[...]` elif self.sub_exprs: if self.sub_exprs[0].decl: # `(x,y) in p` var.type = self.sub_exprs[0][i] elif self.sub_exprs[0].sub_exprs[0].type: # `x in $(p)` var.type = self.sub_exprs[0].sub_exprs[0].type.root_set.concept_domains[0] else: var.type = None # 2. compare with variable declaration, if any var_decl = voc.symbol_decls.get(, None) if var_decl and type(var_decl) == VarDeclaration: subtype = var_decl.subtype if var.type: self.check( ==, f"Can't use declared {} as a " f"{ if var.type else ''}") else: self.sub_exprs = [subtype.annotate(voc, {})] var.type = self.sub_exprs[0] # 3. use type inference if still not found if var.type is None: var.type = inferred.get( if inferred else None var.type = var.type q_vars[] = var if not self.sub_exprs and var.type: self.sub_exprs = [var.type] return self.fill_attributes_and_check() Quantee.annotate_quantee = annotate_quantee def fill_attributes_and_check(self: AQuantification) -> Expression: assert isinstance(self, Quantee), "Internal error" Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) for vars in self.vars: self.check(not self.sub_exprs or not self.sub_exprs[0].decl or len(vars)==self.sub_exprs[0].decl.arity, f"Incorrect arity for {self}") return self Quantee.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class AQuantification ####################################################### def annotate(self: Expression, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: # also called by AAgregate.annotate assert isinstance(self, AQuantification) or isinstance(self, AAggregate), "Internal error" q_v = copy(q_vars) inferred = self.sub_exprs[0].type_inference(voc) for q in self.quantees: q.annotate_quantee(voc, q_v, inferred) # adds inner variables to q_v self.sub_exprs = [e.annotate(voc, q_v) for e in self.sub_exprs] return self.fill_attributes_and_check() AQuantification.annotate = annotate def fill_attributes_and_check(self: AQuantification) -> Expression: Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) for q in self.quantees: # remove declared variables for vs in q.vars: for v in vs: self.variables.discard( for q in self.quantees: # add variables in sort expression for sort in q.sub_exprs: self.variables.update(sort.variables) if type(self) == AQuantification: for e in self.sub_exprs: e.check(e.type == BOOL_SETNAME, f"Quantified formula must be boolean (instead of {e.type})") return self AQuantification.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class Operator #######################################################
[docs]def base_type(exprs: List[Expression], bases: List[SetName] = None) -> Optional[SetName]: """ Checks or determines the (sub)types of the expressions in exprs. Raises an error if the (sub)type of an expression is not in `bases`. Raises an error if the expressions have incompatible (sub)types. Returns None if exprs is empty. A mix of Int and Real (or Int and Date) is allowed. """ if not exprs: return None if not bases else bases[0] if exprs[0].type: base = exprs[0].type.root_set if not bases else bases[0] bases = set([]) if not bases else set([ for b in bases]) if base in [REAL_SETNAME, DATE_SETNAME]: bases.add(INT) # also accept INT for REAL and DATE for e in exprs: if e.type: b = e.type.root_set if not in bases: if base == INT_SETNAME and b in [REAL_SETNAME, DATE_SETNAME]: base = b bases.add( else: e.check(False, f"{} value expected ({} found: {e} )") elif b in [REAL_SETNAME, DATE_SETNAME]: base = b # else continue else: e.check(False, f"Can't determine the type of {e}") return base else: exprs[0].check(False, f"Can't determine the type of {exprs[0]}")
def fill_attributes_and_check(self: Operator) -> Expression: assert all(e.type for e in self.sub_exprs), "Can't handle nested concepts yet." for e in self.sub_exprs: if self.operator[0] in '&|∧∨⇒⇐⇔': self.check(e.type is None or e.type == BOOL_SETNAME or e.str in ['true', 'false'], f"Expected boolean formula, got {e.type}: {e}") self.type = base_type(self.sub_exprs) self.check(self.type is not None, "Type error") return Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) Operator.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class AImplication ####################################################### def fill_attributes_and_check(self: AImplication) -> Expression: self.check(len(self.sub_exprs) == 2, "Implication is not associative. Please use parenthesis.") _ = base_type(self.sub_exprs, [BOOL_SETNAME]) # type check the sub-exprs self.type = BOOL_SETNAME return Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) AImplication.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class AEquivalence ####################################################### def fill_attributes_and_check(self: AEquivalence) -> Expression: self.check(len(self.sub_exprs) == 2, "Equivalence is not associative. Please use parenthesis.") _ = base_type(self.sub_exprs, [BOOL_SETNAME]) # type check the sub_exprs self.type = BOOL_SETNAME return Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) AEquivalence.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class ARImplication ####################################################### def annotate(self: ARImplication, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: # reverse the implication self.sub_exprs = [e.annotate(voc, q_vars) for e in self.sub_exprs] out = AImplication.make(ops=['⇒'], operands=list(reversed(list(self.sub_exprs))), annotations=None, parent=self) out.original = self return out.annotate(voc, q_vars) ARImplication.annotate = annotate # Class AConjunction, ADisjunction ####################################################### def fill_attributes_and_check(self: Expression) -> Expression: self.type = base_type(self.sub_exprs, [BOOL_SETNAME]) return Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) AConjunction.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check ADisjunction.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class AComparison ####################################################### def annotate(self: AComparison, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: out = Operator.annotate(self, voc, q_vars) # a≠b --> Not(a=b) if len(self.sub_exprs) == 2 and self.operator == ['≠']: out = NOT(EQUALS(self.sub_exprs)).annotate(voc, q_vars) return out return out AComparison.annotate = annotate def fill_attributes_and_check(self: AppliedSymbol) -> Expression: bases = ([INT_SETNAME, REAL_SETNAME, DATE_SETNAME] if any(e in "<>≤≥" for e in self.operator) else None) _ = base_type(self.sub_exprs, bases) # type check the sub-expressions self.type = BOOL_SETNAME return Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) AComparison.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class ASumMinus ####################################################### def fill_attributes_and_check(self: ASumMinus) -> Expression: self.type = base_type(self.sub_exprs, [INT_SETNAME, REAL_SETNAME, DATE_SETNAME]) return Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) ASumMinus.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class AMultDiv ####################################################### def fill_attributes_and_check(self: AMultDiv) -> Expression: self.type = base_type(self.sub_exprs, [INT_SETNAME, REAL_SETNAME]) return Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) AMultDiv.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class APower ####################################################### def fill_attributes_and_check(self: APower) -> Expression: self.sub_exprs[1].check(self.sub_exprs[0].type in [INT_SETNAME, REAL_SETNAME], f"Number expected ({self.sub_exprs[1].type} found: {self.sub_exprs[1].type})") self.sub_exprs[1].check(self.sub_exprs[1].type == INT_SETNAME, f"Integer expected ({self.sub_exprs[1].type} found: {self.sub_exprs[1].type})") return Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) APower.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class AUnary ####################################################### def fill_attributes_and_check(self: AUnary) -> Expression: if len(self.operators) % 2 == 0: # negation of negation return self.sub_exprs[0] self.type = self.sub_exprs[0].type return Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) AUnary.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class AAggregate ####################################################### def annotate(self: AAggregate, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: if not self.annotated: self = AQuantification.annotate(self, voc, q_vars) if self.aggtype == "sum" and len(self.sub_exprs) == 2: self.original = copy(self) self.sub_exprs[0].check( self.sub_exprs[0].type.root_set in [INT_SETNAME, REAL_SETNAME], f"Must be numeric: {self.sub_exprs[0]}") self.sub_exprs[1].check( self.sub_exprs[1].type.root_set == BOOL_SETNAME, f"Must be boolean: {self.sub_exprs[1]}") self.sub_exprs = [AIfExpr(self.parent, self.sub_exprs[1], self.sub_exprs[0], ZERO).fill_attributes_and_check()] if self.aggtype == "#": self.sub_exprs[0].check( self.sub_exprs[0].type.root_set == BOOL_SETNAME, f"Must be boolean: {self.sub_exprs[0]}") self.sub_exprs = [IF(self.sub_exprs[0], Number(number='1'), Number(number='0'))] self.type = INT_SETNAME else: self.type = self.sub_exprs[0].type if self.aggtype in ["min", "max"]: # the `min` aggregate in `!y in T: min(lamda x in type: term(x,y) if cond(x,y))=0` # is replaced by `_*(y)` with the following co-constraint: # !y in T: ( ?x in type: cond(x,y) & term(x) = _*(y) # !x in type: cond(x,y) => term(x) =< _*(y). self.check(self.type, f"Can't infer type of {self}") name = "__" + self.str if name in voc.symbol_decls: symbol_decl = voc.symbol_decls[name] to_create = False else: symbol_decl = SymbolDeclaration.make(self, "__"+self.str, # name `__ *` [SETNAME( for v in q_vars.values()], self.type).annotate_declaration(voc) # output_domain to_create = True symbol = symbol_decl.symbol_expr applied = AppliedSymbol.make(symbol, q_vars.values()) applied = applied.annotate(voc, q_vars) if to_create: eq = EQUALS([deepcopy(applied), self.sub_exprs[0]]) if len(self.sub_exprs) == 2: eq = AND([self.sub_exprs[1], eq]) coc1 = EXISTS(self.quantees, eq) op = '≤' if self.aggtype == "min" else '≥' comp = AComparison.make(op, deepcopy([applied, self.sub_exprs[0]])) if len(self.sub_exprs) == 2: comp = IMPLIES([self.sub_exprs[1], comp]) coc2 = FORALL(deepcopy(self.quantees), comp) coc = AND([coc1, coc2]) inferred = coc.type_inference(voc) quantees = [Quantee.make(v, sort=v.type) .annotate_quantee(voc, {}, inferred) for v in q_vars.values()] applied.co_constraint = ( coc if not quantees else FORALL(quantees, coc).annotate(voc, q_vars)) applied.co_constraint.annotations['reading'] = f"Calculation of {self.code}" return applied self.annotated = True self.type = base_type(self.sub_exprs) self.sub_exprs[0].check(self.type in [INT_SETNAME, REAL_SETNAME, DATE_SETNAME], f"Aggregate formula must be numeric (instead of {self.type})") return self AAggregate.annotate = annotate AAggregate.fill_attributes_and_check = AQuantification.fill_attributes_and_check # Class AppliedSymbol ####################################################### def annotate(self: AppliedSymbol, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: self.symbol = self.symbol.annotate(voc, q_vars) self.sub_exprs = [e.annotate(voc, q_vars) for e in self.sub_exprs] if self.in_enumeration: self.in_enumeration.annotate(voc, q_vars) out = self.fill_attributes_and_check() # move the negation out if 'not' in self.is_enumerated: out = AppliedSymbol.make(out.symbol, out.sub_exprs, is_enumerated='is enumerated') out = NOT(out) elif 'not' in self.is_enumeration: out = AppliedSymbol.make(out.symbol, out.sub_exprs, is_enumeration='in', in_enumeration=out.in_enumeration) out = NOT(out) return out AppliedSymbol.annotate = annotate def fill_attributes_and_check(self: AppliedSymbol, type_check=True) -> Expression: out = Expression.fill_attributes_and_check(self) assert type(out) == AppliedSymbol, "Internal error" out.symbol = out.symbol.fill_attributes_and_check() out.variables.update(out.symbol.variables) if not out.decl and out.decl = out.symbol.decl if out.symbol.decl: self.check(out.symbol.decl.arity == len(out.sub_exprs) or in ['hide', 'unit', 'heading', 'noOptimization', 'introduction', 'counter'], f"Incorrect number of arguments in {out}: " f"should be {out.symbol.decl.arity}") out.check((not out.symbol.decl or type(out.symbol.decl) != Constructor or 0 < out.symbol.decl.arity), f"Constructor `{out.symbol}` cannot be applied to argument(s)") # check type of arguments if out.decl and type_check: for e, s in zip(out.sub_exprs, if not type(out.decl) == TypeDeclaration: # Type predicates accept anything e.check(e.type.root_set == s.root_set, f"{s.root_set} expected ({e.type.root_set} found: {e})") type_ = e.type # while type_ != s: # handle case where e_type is a subset of s # e.check(type_ !=[0], # f"{s} expected ({e.type} found: {e})") # type_ =[0] if self.is_enumeration == 'in': # check the type of elements in the enumeration _ = base_type([t.args[0] for t in self.in_enumeration.tuples], [self.decl.codomain]) # determine type if out.is_enumerated or out.in_enumeration: out.type = BOOL_SETNAME elif out.decl and out.decl.codomain: out.type = out.decl.codomain elif type(out.symbol)==SymbolExpr and out.symbol.eval: type_ = out.symbol.sub_exprs[0].type if == CONCEPT: out.type = type_.codomain else: while not type_.codomain: # type is a subset of a concept type_ =[0] out.type = type_.codomain return out.simplify1() AppliedSymbol.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check # Class SymbolExpr ####################################################### def annotate(self: SymbolExpr, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: self.decl = voc.symbol_decls.get(, None) out = Expression.annotate(self, voc, q_vars) return out.simplify1() SymbolExpr.annotate = annotate # Class Variable ####################################################### def annotate(self: Variable, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: return self Variable.annotate = annotate # Class Number ####################################################### def annotate(self: Number, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: self.decl = voc.symbol_decls[] return self Number.annotate = annotate # Class UnappliedSymbol ####################################################### def annotate(self: UnappliedSymbol, voc: Vocabulary, q_vars: dict[str, Variable] ) -> Annotated: if in q_vars: # ignore VarDeclaration return q_vars[] if in voc.symbol_decls: self.decl = voc.symbol_decls[] self.type = self.decl.codomain self.variables = set() self.check(type(self.decl) == Constructor, f"{self} should be applied to arguments (or prefixed with a back-tick)") return self # elif in voc.symbol_decls: # in symbol_decls # out = AppliedSymbol.make(self.s, self.sub_exprs) # return out.annotate(voc, q_vars) # If this code is reached, an undefined symbol was present. # after considering it as a declared symbol self.check( in q_vars, f"Symbol not in vocabulary: {self}") return self UnappliedSymbol.annotate = annotate # Class Brackets ####################################################### def fill_attributes_and_check(self: Brackets) -> Expression: if not self.annotations: return self.sub_exprs[0] # remove the bracket self.type = self.sub_exprs[0].type if self.annotations['reading']: self.sub_exprs[0].annotations = self.annotations self.variables = self.sub_exprs[0].variables return self Brackets.fill_attributes_and_check = fill_attributes_and_check Done = True