Source code for idp_engine.Theory

# Copyright 2019-2023 Ingmar Dasseville, Pierre Carbonnelle
# This file is part of IDP-Z3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Class to represent a collection of theory and structure blocks.


from __future__ import annotations

import time
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from enum import Enum, auto
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from z3 import (

from .Assignments import Status as S, Assignment, Assignments, str_to_IDP
from .Expression import (
from .Parse import (
from .Simplify import join_set_conditions
from .utils import (
from .WDF import check_WDFs
from .Z3_to_IDP import z3_to_idp, collect_questions, get_interpretations

[docs]class Propagation(Enum): """Describe propagation method""" DEFAULT = auto() # checks each question to see if it can have only 1 value BATCH = auto() # finds a list of questions that has only 1 value Z3 = auto() # use Z3's consequences API (incomplete propagation)
[docs]class Theory(object): """A collection of theory and structure blocks. assignments (Assignments): the set of assignments. The assignments are updated by the different steps of the problem resolution. Assignments include inequalities and quantified formula when the problem is extended """ """ do not include these in the API documentation Attributes: extended (Bool): True when the truth value of inequalities and quantified formula is of interest (e.g. in the Interactive Consultant) declarations (dict[str, Declaration]): the list of type and symbol declarations constraints (OrderedSet): a set of assertions. definitions ([Definition]): a list of definitions in this problem interpretations (dict[string, SymbolInterpretation]): A mapping of enumerated symbols to their interpretation. extensions (dict[string, Extension]): Extension of types and predicates def_constraints (dict[SymbolDeclaration, Definition], List[Expression]): A mapping of defined symbol to the whole-domain constraints equivalent to its definition. _constraintz (List(ExprRef), Optional): a list of assertions, co_constraints and definitions in Z3 form _formula (ExprRef, optional): the Z3 formula that represents the problem (assertions, co_constraints, definitions and assignments). co_constraints (OrderedSet): the set of co_constraints in the problem. z3 (dict[str, ExprRef]): mapping from string of the code to Z3 expression, to avoid recomputing it ctx : Z3 context previous_assignments (Assignment): assignment after previous full propagation satisfied (Bool): whether propagate found an initial model _slvr (Solver): stateful solver used for propagation and model expansion. Use self.solver to access. _optmz (Solver): stateful solver used for optimization. Use self.optimize_solver to access. _reified (Solver): stateful solver used for explanation and disabling laws. Use self.solver_reified to access. _optmz_reif (Solver): stateful solver used for optimizing when disabling laws. Use self.optimize_solver_reified to access. expl_reifs = (dict[z3.BoolRef, (z3.BoolRef,Expression)]): dictionary storing for Z3 reification symbols (the keys) which Z3 constraint it represents, and what the original FO(.) expression was. If the original expression is `None`, the reification represents a fact, otherwise it represents a law. Used in the explanation inference and when disabling laws. ignored_laws = set(string): laws disabled by the user. The string matches Expression.code in expl_reifs. WDFs (List[Expression]): when True, the truth value of the theory is well-defined. """ from idp_engine.Relevance import determine_relevance from idp_engine.EN import EN_theory as EN from idp_engine.Propagate import ( _set_consequences_get_changed_choices, _directional_todo, _batch_propagate, _propagate_inner, _first_propagate, _propagate_using_models, _propagate_ignored, _propagate, _z3_propagate, )
[docs] def __init__( self, *theories: Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory], extended: bool = False ) -> None: """Creates an instance of ``Theory`` for the list of theories, e.g., ``Theory(T,S)``. Args: theories (Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]): 1 or more (data) theories. extended (bool, optional): use `True` when the truth value of inequalities and quantified formula is of interest (e.g. for the Interactive Consultant). Defaults to False. """ self.extended: Optional[bool] = extended self.declarations: dict[str, Declaration] = {} self.definitions: List[Definition] = [] self.constraints: OrderedSet = OrderedSet() self.assignments: Assignments = Assignments() self.def_constraints: dict[ Tuple[SymbolDeclaration, Definition], List[Expression] ] = {} self.interpretations: dict[ str, SymbolInterpretation ] = {} # interpretations given by user self.extensions: dict[ str, Extension ] = {} # computed extension of types and predicates str = "" self._contraintz: Optional[List[BoolRef]] = None self._formula: Optional[BoolRef] = ( None # the problem expressed in one logic formula ) self.co_constraints: Optional[OrderedSet] = ( None # Constraints attached to subformula. (see also docs/zettlr/ ) self.z3: dict[str, ExprRef] = {} self.ctx: Context = Context() self.WDFs: List[Expression] = [] self.add(*theories) self.previous_assignments: Assignments = Assignments() self.satisfied: bool = True self._slvr: Solver = None self._optmz: Solver = None self._reif: Solver = None self._optmz_reif: Solver = None self.expl_reifs: dict[ BoolRef, Tuple[BoolRef, Expression] ] = {} # {reified: (constraint, original)} self.ignored_laws: set[str] = set()
@property def solver(self) -> Solver: "Beware that the setting of timeout_seconds (e.g. in expand()) is not thread safe" if self._slvr is None: self._slvr = Solver(ctx=self.ctx) if self.constraintz(): self._slvr.add(And(self.constraintz())) assignment_forms = [ a.formula().translate(self) for a in self.assignments.values() if a.value is not None and a.status == S.UNIVERSAL ] self._slvr.add(assignment_forms) return self._slvr @property def optimize_solver(self) -> Solver: if self._optmz is None: self._optmz = Optimize(ctx=self.ctx) if self.constraintz(): self._optmz.add(And(self.constraintz())) assignment_forms = [ a.formula().translate(self) for a in self.assignments.values() if a.value is not None and a.status == S.UNIVERSAL ] self._optmz.add(assignment_forms) return self._optmz @property def solver_reified(self) -> Solver: if self._reif is None: self._reif = Solver(ctx=self.ctx) self._reif.set(":core.minimize", True) # get expanded def_constraints def_constraints = {} for defin in self.definitions: def_constraints.update( defin.get_def_constraints(self, for_explain=True) ) for constraint in chain( self.constraints, self.co_constraints, chain(*def_constraints.values()) ): p = constraint.reified(self) self.expl_reifs[p] = (constraint.translate(self), constraint) self._reif.add(Implies(p, self.expl_reifs[p][0])) return self._reif @property def optimize_solver_reified(self) -> Solver: if self._optmz_reif is None: _ = self.solver_reified # ensure self.expl_reifs is instantiated self._optmz_reif = Optimize(ctx=self.ctx) for z3_reif, (z3_orig, _) in self.expl_reifs.items(): self._optmz_reif.add(Implies(z3_reif, z3_orig)) return self._optmz_reif
[docs] def copy(self) -> Theory: """Returns an independent copy of a theory.""" out = copy(self) out.assignments = self.assignments.copy() out.definitions = deepcopy(self.definitions) out.constraints = OrderedSet(deepcopy(c) for c in self.constraints) out.declarations = {k: copy(v) for k, v in out.declarations.items()} out.interpretations = copy(out.interpretations) out.def_constraints = { k: [e for e in v] # TODO e.copy() for k, v in self.def_constraints.items() } # copy() is called before making substitutions => invalidate derived fields out._formula = None return out
[docs] def add(self, *theories: Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]) -> Theory: """Adds a list of theories to the theory. Args: theories (Union[TheoryBlock, Structure, Theory]): 1 or more (data) theories. """ for block in theories: self.z3 = {} self._formula = None # need to reapply the definitions for name, decl in block.declarations.items(): assert ( name not in self.declarations or self.declarations[name] == block.declarations[name] or name in RESERVED_SYMBOLS ), f"Can't add declaration for {name} in {}: duplicate" self.declarations[name] = decl # reset the interpretations of TypeDeclaration for decl in self.declarations.values(): if type(decl) == TypeDeclaration: decl.interpretation = ( # TODO side-effects ? issue #81 None if not in [INT, REAL, DATE, CONCEPT] else decl.interpretation ) # process block.interpretations for name, interpret in block.interpretations.items(): assert ( name not in self.interpretations or name in [INT, REAL, DATE, CONCEPT] or self.interpretations[name] == block.interpretations[name] ), f"Can't add enumeration for {name} in {}: duplicate" self.interpretations[name] = interpret if isinstance(block, TheoryBlock) or isinstance(block, Theory): self.co_constraints = None self.definitions += [deepcopy(x) for x in block.definitions] self.constraints.extend(deepcopy(v) for v in block.constraints) self.def_constraints.update( {k: deepcopy(v) for k, v in block.def_constraints.items()} ) for c in block.constraints: if c.WDF: self.WDFs.append(c.WDF) for d in block.definitions: for r in d.rules: if r.WDF: self.WDFs.append(r.WDF) check_WDFs(self, self.WDFs) ### apply the enumerations and definitions self.assignments = Assignments() self.extensions = {} # reset the cache # Interpret the vocabulary for symbol, decl in self.declarations.items(): decl.interpret(self) # remove RELEVANT constraints self.constraints = OrderedSet( [ v for k, v in self.constraints.items() if not ( type(v) == AppliedSymbol and v.decl is not None and == RELEVANT ) ] ) # expand goal_symbol symbol_interpretation = self.interpretations.get(GOAL_SYMBOL, None) if symbol_interpretation: for t in symbol_interpretation.enumeration.tuples: symbol = t.args[0] decl = self.declarations[[1:]] assert decl.instances, f"goal {} must be instantiable." relevant = self.declarations[RELEVANT].symbol_expr for i in decl.instances.values(): constraint = AppliedSymbol.make(relevant, [i], type_check=False) self.constraints.append(constraint) # expand whole-domain definitions for i, defin in enumerate(self.definitions): = i defin.interpret(self) # initialize assignments, co_constraints, questions self.co_constraints, questions = OrderedSet(), OrderedSet() self.constraints = OrderedSet([v.interpret(self, {}) for v in self.constraints]) for c in self.constraints: c.collect_co_constraints(self.co_constraints) # don't collect questions from type constraints if not c.is_type_constraint_for: c.collect(questions, all_=False) for es in self.def_constraints.values(): for e in es: e.collect_co_constraints(self.co_constraints) self.co_constraints = OrderedSet( [c.interpret(self, {}) for c in self.co_constraints] ) for s in list(questions.values()): if s.code not in self.assignments: self.assignments.assert__(s, None, S.UNKNOWN) self._constraintz = None return self
[docs] def to_smt_lib(self) -> str: """Returns an SMT-LIB version of the theory""" return self.solver.sexpr()
[docs] def assert_(self, code: str, value: Any, status: S = S.GIVEN): """asserts that an expression has a value (or not), e.g. ``theory.assert_("p()", True)`` Args: code (str): the code of the expression, e.g., ``"p()"`` value (Any): a Python value, e.g., ``True`` status (Status, Optional): how the value was obtained. Default: S.GIVEN """ atom = self.assignments[code].sentence if value is None: self.assignments.assert__(atom, None, S.UNKNOWN) elif isinstance(value, Expression): self.assignments.assert__(atom, value, status) else: val = str_to_IDP(str(value), atom.type) self.assignments.assert__(atom, val, status) self._formula = None
[docs] def enable_law(self, code: str): """Enables a law, represented as a code string taken from the output of explain(...). The law should not result from a structure (e.g., from ``p:=true.``) or from a types (e.g., from ``T:={1..10}`` and ``c: () -> T``). Args: code (str): the code of the law to be enabled Raises: AssertionError: if code is unknown """ _ = self.solver_reified assert any( e.original.code == code for _, e in self.expl_reifs.values() ), f"Cannot enable an unknown law: {code}" self.ignored_laws.remove(code)
[docs] def disable_law(self, code: str): """Disables a law, represented as a code string taken from the output of explain(...). The law should not result from a structure (e.g., from ``p:=true.``) or from a types (e.g., from ``T:={1..10}`` and ``c: () -> T``). Args: code (str): the code of the law to be disabled Raises: AssertionError: if code is unknown """ _ = self.solver_reified assert any( e.original.code == code for _, e in self.expl_reifs.values() ), f"Cannot disable an unknown law: {code}" self.ignored_laws.add(code)
[docs] def constraintz(self) -> List[BoolRef]: """list of constraints, co_constraints and definitions in Z3 form""" if self._constraintz is None: def collect_constraints(e, constraints): """collect constraints in e, flattening conjunctions""" if is_true(e): return if is_and(e): for e1 in e.children(): collect_constraints(e1, constraints) else: constraints.append(e) self._constraintz = [] for e in chain(self.constraints, self.co_constraints): collect_constraints(e.translate(self), self._constraintz) self._constraintz += [ s.translate(self) for s in chain(*self.def_constraints.values()) ] return self._constraintz
[docs] def formula(self) -> BoolRef: """Returns a Z3 object representing the logic formula equivalent to the theory. This object can be converted to a string using ``str()``. """ if self._formula is None: if self.constraintz(): # use existing z3 constraints, but only add interpretations # for those symbols, not propagated in a previous step, # occurring in the (potentially simplified) z3 constraints all = [ a.formula().translate(self) for a in self.assignments.values() if a.status != S.STRUCTURE and a.value is not None and a.status not in [S.CONSEQUENCE, S.ENV_CONSQ] ] + self.constraintz() else: all = [ a.formula().translate(self) for a in self.assignments.values() if a.status in [S.DEFAULT, S.GIVEN, S.EXPANDED] ] self._formula = And(all) if all != [] else BoolVal(True, self.ctx) return self._formula
def get_core_atoms(self, statuses: List[S]) -> List[Assignment]: return [ a for a in self.assignments.values() if (self.extended or not a.sentence.is_reified()) and a.status in statuses ] def sexpr(self) -> str: s = Solver(ctx=self.ctx) s.add(self.formula()) return s.sexpr() def _is_defined(self, model, q): # determine if the expression is defined defined = True if type(q) == AppliedSymbol: if any(type(T.decl) != TypeDeclaration for T in in_domain = q.decl.has_in_domain( q.sub_exprs, self.interpretations, self.extensions ) if in_domain.same_as(FALSE): defined = False elif in_domain.same_as(TRUE): defined = True else: z3_val = model.eval(in_domain.translate(self)) if str(z3_val) == str(in_domain).replace("()", ""): defined = True # TODO dubious. Why not False ? else: defined = bool(z3_val) return defined def _is_undefined(self, solver, q): # determine if the expression is certainly undefined result = False if type(q) == AppliedSymbol: if any(type(T.decl) != TypeDeclaration for T in in_domain = q.decl.has_in_domain( q.sub_exprs, self.interpretations, self.extensions ) if in_domain.same_as(FALSE): result = True elif in_domain.same_as(TRUE): result = False else: solver.push() solver.add(in_domain.translate(self)) res = solver.check() solver.pop() result = res == unsat return result def _new_questions_from_model(self, model, ass: Assignments) -> List[Expression]: out = [] for decl in self.declarations.values(): if ( type(decl) == SymbolDeclaration and decl.arity == 1 and decl.instances is None and not in RESERVED_SYMBOLS and in self.z3 ): # declared but not used in theory interp = model[self.z3[]] collect_questions(interp, decl, ass, out) return out def _from_model( self, solver: Solver, todo: List[Expression], complete: bool ) -> Assignments: """returns Assignments from model in solver the solver must be in sat state """ ass = copy(self.assignments) model = solver.model() interps = get_interpretations(self, model, as_z3=False) todo.extend(self._new_questions_from_model(model, ass)) for q in todo: q_is_reified = q.is_reified() assert ( self.extended or not q_is_reified ), "Reified atom should only appear in case of extended theories" a = ass[q.code] if q.code in ass else Assignment(q, None, None) if not self._is_defined(model, q): a.value, a.tag, a.relevant = None, S.UNKNOWN, False else: if ( isinstance(q, AppliedSymbol) and not (q.in_enumeration or q.is_enumerated) and in interps ): maps, _else = interps[] val = maps.get(q.code, _else) else: val = None if val is None: if complete or q_is_reified: val1 = model.eval(q.reified(self), model_completion=complete) else: val1 = model.eval(q.translate(self), model_completion=complete) val = z3_to_idp(val1, q.type) if val is not None: if ( q.is_assignment() and val == FALSE ): # consequence of the TRUE assignment tag = ( S.ENV_CONSQ if q.sub_exprs[0] == "environment" else S.CONSEQUENCE ) else: tag = S.EXPANDED ass.assert__(q, val, tag) else: a.value, a.tag, a.relevant = None, S.UNKNOWN, False return ass def _add_assignment(self, solver: Solver) -> None: """adds the current choices to the (non-reified) solver Args: solver (Z3 solver): the solver to add the assignments to """ assignment_forms = [ a.translate(self) for a in self.assignments.values() if a.value is not None and a.status in [S.GIVEN, S.EXPANDED, S.DEFAULT] ] for af in assignment_forms: solver.add(af) def _extend_reifications( self, reifs: dict[ExprRef, Tuple[Assignment, Expression]] ) -> None: """extends the given reifications with the current choices and structure Args: reifs (dict[z3.BoolRef: (z3.BoolRef,Expression)]): reifications to be extended """ for a in self.assignments.values(): if a.status in [S.GIVEN, S.DEFAULT, S.STRUCTURE, S.EXPANDED]: p = a.translate(self) if a.status == S.STRUCTURE: form = a.formula() form.annotations["reading"] = ( "Structure formula " + form.annotations["reading"] ) else: form = None reifs[p] = (a, form) def _add_assignment_ignored(self, solver: Solver) -> None: """adds the current choices to the reified solver and resets propagated assignments Args: solver (Z3 solver): the reified solver to add the assignments to """ ps = self.expl_reifs.copy() self._extend_reifications(ps) for a in self.assignments.values(): if a.status in [S.CONSEQUENCE, S.ENV_CONSQ, S.UNIVERSAL]: self.assignments.assert__(a.sentence, None, S.UNKNOWN) for z3_form, (_, expr) in ps.items(): if not (expr and expr.original.code in self.ignored_laws): solver.add(z3_form)
[docs] def expand( self, max: int = 10, timeout_seconds: int = 10, complete: bool = False ) -> Iterator[Union[Assignments, str]]: """Generates a list of models of the theory that are expansion of the known assignments. The result is limited to ``max`` models (10 by default), or unlimited if ``max`` is 0. The search for new models is stopped when processing exceeds ``timeout_seconds`` (in seconds) (unless it is 0). The models can be asked to be complete or partial (i.e., in which "don't care" terms are not specified). The string message can be one of the following: - ``No models.`` - ``No model found in xx seconds. Models may be available. Change the timeout_seconds argument to see them.`` - ``More models may be available. Change the max argument to see them.`` - ``More models may be available. Change the timeout_seconds argument to see them.`` - ``More models may be available. Change the max and timeout_seconds arguments to see them.`` Args: max (int, optional): maximum number of models. Defaults to 10. timeout_seconds (int, optional): timeout_seconds seconds. Defaults to 10. complete (bool, optional): ``True`` for complete models. Defaults to False. Yields: the models, followed by a string message """ start = time.time() if self.ignored_laws: # TODO: should todo be larger in case complete==True? solver = self.solver_reified solver.push() self._add_assignment_ignored(solver) if not self.previous_assignments: try: list(self._first_propagate(solver)) except IDPZ3Error: # unsatifiable yield "No models." return else: # TODO: should todo be larger in case complete==True? solver = self.solver solver.push() self._add_assignment(solver) default_timeout = get_param("timeout") todo = OrderedSet(a.sentence for a in self.get_core_atoms([S.UNKNOWN])) for q in todo: if (q.is_reified() and self.extended) or complete: solver.add(q.reified(self) == q.translate(self)) count, ass = 0, {} while (max <= 0 or count < max) and ( timeout_seconds <= 0 or time.time() - start < timeout_seconds ): if timeout_seconds: remaining = timeout_seconds - (time.time() - start) solver.set("timeout", int(remaining * 1000 + 200)) # exclude ass different = [] for a in ass.values(): if a.status == S.EXPANDED: q = a.sentence different.append(q.translate(self) != a.value.translate(self)) if 0 < count and len(different) == 0: break if different: solver.add(Or(different)) if solver.check() == sat: count += 1 ass = self._from_model(solver, todo, complete) yield ass else: break solver.pop() maxed = 0 < max <= count timeouted = 0 < timeout_seconds <= time.time() - start # if interrupted by the timeout_seconds if maxed or timeouted: param = ( "max and timeout_seconds arguments" if maxed and timeouted else "max argument" if maxed else "timeout_seconds argument" ) if count == 0: yield f"{NEWL}No model found in {timeout_seconds} seconds. Models may be available. Change the {param} to see them." else: yield f"{NEWL}More models may be available. Change the {param} to see them." elif 0 < count: yield f"{NEWL}No more models." else: yield "No models." solver.set("timeout", int(default_timeout))
[docs] def optimize(self, term: str, minimize: bool = True) -> Theory: """Updates the value of `term` in the ``assignments`` property of `self` to the optimal value that is compatible with the theory. Chain it with a call to `expand` to obtain a model, or to `propagate` to propagate the optimal value. Args: term (str): e.g., ``"Length(1)"`` minimize (bool): ``True`` to minimize ``term``, ``False`` to maximize it """ assert term in self.assignments, ( f'Optimization term: "{term}" not' " found in vocabulary (Tip: have you" " forgotten brackets? e.g. P())." ) term = self.assignments[term] decl = term.symbol_decl assert len(decl.codomain.root_set) == 1 and decl.codomain.root_set[0] in ( INT_SETNAME, REAL_SETNAME, ), ( f'Incorrect optimization term: "{term}",' f" term must be of type {INT} or {REAL}." ) sentence = term.sentence s = sentence.translate(self) if self.ignored_laws: solver = self.optimize_solver_reified solver.push() self._add_assignment_ignored(solver) else: solver = self.optimize_solver solver.push() self._add_assignment(solver) if minimize: solver.minimize(s) else: solver.maximize(s) res = solver.check() assert res == sat, "Optimization requires satisfiable specification" # deal with strict inequalities, e.g. min(0<x) val = solver.model().eval(s) for i in range(0, 10): if minimize: solver.add(s < val) else: solver.add(val < s) if solver.check() == sat: val = solver.model().eval(s) else: break solver.pop() val_IDP = z3_to_idp(val, sentence.type) if val_IDP is not None: self.assert_(str(sentence), val_IDP, S.GIVEN) ass = str(EQUALS([sentence, val_IDP])) if ass in self.assignments: self.assert_(ass, True, S.GIVEN) return self
[docs] def symbolic_propagate(self, tag: S = S.UNIVERSAL) -> Theory: """Returns the theory with its ``assignments`` property updated with direct consequences of the constraints of the theory. This propagation is less complete than ``propagate()``. Args: tag (S): the status of propagated assignments """ for c in self.constraints: # determine consequences, including from co-constraints new_constraint = c.substitute(TRUE, TRUE, self.assignments, tag) new_constraint.symbolic_propagate(self.assignments, tag) return self
[docs] def propagate( self, tag: S = S.CONSEQUENCE, method: Propagation = Propagation.DEFAULT, complete: bool = False, ) -> Theory: """Returns the theory with its ``assignments`` property updated with values for all terms and atoms that have the same value in every model of the theory. ``self.satisfied`` is also updated to reflect satisfiability. Terms and propositions starting with ``_`` are ignored. Args: tag (S, optional): the status of propagated assignments. Defaults to CONSEQUENCE. method (Propagation, optional): the particular propagation to use. Defaults to standard propagation. complete (bool, optional): True when requiring a propagation including negated function value assignments. Defaults to False. """ if method == Propagation.BATCH: # NOTE: running this will confuse _directional_todo, not used right now assert False, "dead code" out = list(self._batch_propagate(tag)) if method == Propagation.Z3: # NOTE: running this will confuse _directional_todo, not used right now assert False, "dead code" out = list(self._z3_propagate(tag)) else: out = list(self._propagate(tag=tag, complete=complete)) self.satisfied = out[0] != NOT_SATISFIABLE return self
[docs] def get_range(self, term: str, complete: bool = False) -> List[str]: """Returns a list of the possible values of the term. Args: term (str): terms whose possible values are requested, e.g. ``subtype()``. Must be a key in ``self.assignments`` Returns: List[str]: e.g., ``['right triangle', 'regular triangle']`` """ assert term in self.assignments, f"Unknown term: {term}" termE: Expression = self.assignments[term].sentence assert type(termE) == AppliedSymbol, f"{term} is not a term" range = termE.decl.range assert range, f"Can't determine range on infinite domains" # consider every value in range atoms = [Assignment(termE, val, S.UNKNOWN).formula() for val in range] todos = {a.code: a for a in atoms} # initialize the forbidden values forbidden = set( str(e.sub_exprs[1]) for e in todos.values() if str(e) in self.assignments and self.assignments[str(e)].status in [S.GIVEN] and self.assignments[str(e)].value.same_as(FALSE) ) # remove current assignments to same term backup = self.assignments self.assignments = self.assignments.copy() removed = [] if self.assignments[term].value: for k, a in self.assignments.items(): if ( a.sentence.is_assignment and a.sentence.code.startswith(term) and a.status in [S.GIVEN, S.DEFAULT, S.EXPANDED] ): self.assert_(k, None, S.UNKNOWN) removed.append(a) for ass in self._propagate(given_todo=todos, complete=complete): if isinstance(ass, str): continue if ass.value.same_as(FALSE): forbidden.add(str(ass.sentence.sub_exprs[1])) # restore the assignments self.assignments = backup return [ str(e.sub_exprs[1]) for e in todos.values() if str(e.sub_exprs[1]) not in forbidden ]
[docs] def explain( self, consequence: Optional[str] = None, timeout_seconds: int = 0 ) -> Tuple[List[Assignment], List[Expression]]: """Returns the facts and laws that make the Theory unsatisfiable, or that explains a consequence. Raises an IDPZ3Error if the Theory is satisfiable Args: self (Theory): the problem state consequence (string, optional): the code of the consequence to be explained. Must be a key in ``self.assignments`` Returns: (List[Assignment], List[Expression])]: list of facts and laws that explain the consequence """ start = time.time() solver = self.solver_reified default_timeout = get_param("timeout") ps = self.expl_reifs.copy() self._extend_reifications(ps) solver.push() if consequence: negated = consequence.replace("~", "¬").startswith("¬") consequence = consequence[1:] if negated else consequence assert ( consequence in self.assignments ), f"Can't find this sentence: {consequence}" to_explain = self.assignments[consequence].sentence # rules used in justification if to_explain.type != BOOL_SETNAME: # determine numeric value val = self.assignments[consequence].value if val is None: # can't explain an expanded value solver.pop() return [], [] to_explain = EQUALS([to_explain, val]) if negated: to_explain = NOT(to_explain) solver.add(Not(to_explain.translate(self))) if timeout_seconds: solver.set("timeout", int(timeout_seconds * 1000)) result = solver.check( [ z3_form for z3_form, (_, expr) in ps.items() if not (expr and expr.original.code in self.ignored_laws) ] ) solver.set("timeout", int(default_timeout)) if not timeout_seconds or time.time() - start < timeout_seconds: if result == sat: raise IDPZ3Error("Theory is satisfiable: nothing to explain.") unsatcore = solver.unsat_core() # does not respect timeout ?! solver.pop() facts, laws = [], [] if unsatcore: facts = [ps[a][0] for a in unsatcore if ps[a][1] is None] laws = [ps[a][1] for a in unsatcore if ps[a][1] is not None] return facts, laws else: return [], []
[docs] def simplify(self, for_relevance=False) -> Theory: """Returns a simpler copy of the theory, with a simplified formula obtained by substituting terms and atoms by their known values. Args: for_relevance: If true, numeric comparisons with known values are ignored. """ out = self.copy() if for_relevance: # do not simplify complex numeric comparisons nor quantification away (#252, #277) for ass in out.assignments.values(): if ass.value and ( ( type(ass.sentence) == AComparison and ( any( e.type in [INT_SETNAME, REAL_SETNAME, DATE_SETNAME] for e in ass.sentence.sub_exprs ) or any(op in "<>≤≥" for op in ass.sentence.operator) ) ) or type(ass.sentence) == AQuantification ): questions = OrderedSet() ass.sentence.collect(questions, all_=True, co_constraints=False) if ( 1 < len(ass.symbols) # more than 1 symbol or 1 question or 1 < len( [q for q in questions.values() if type(q) == AppliedSymbol] ) ): ass.status = S.UNKNOWN ass.value = None new_constraints: OrderedSet = OrderedSet() for constraint in out.constraints: if constraint.code not in self.ignored_laws: new_constraint = constraint.simplify_with( out.assignments, co_constraints_too=not for_relevance ) new_constraints.append(new_constraint) out.constraints = new_constraints out._formula, out._constraintz = None, None return out
# def determine_relevance(self) -> Theory: # raise IDPZ3Error("Internal error") # monkey-patched def _generalize( self, conjuncts: List[Assignment], known: BoolRef, z3_formula: Optional[BoolRef] = None, ) -> List[Assignment]: """finds a subset of `conjuncts` that is still a minimum satisfying assignment for `self`, given `known`. Args: conjuncts (List[Assignment]): a list of assignments The last element of conjuncts is the goal or TRUE known: a z3 formula describing what is known (e.g. reification axioms) z3_formula: the z3 formula of the problem. Can be supplied for better performance Returns: [List[Assignment]]: A subset of `conjuncts` that is a minimum satisfying assignment for `self`, given `known` """ if z3_formula is None: z3_formula = self.formula() conditions, goal = conjuncts[:-1], conjuncts[-1] # verify satisfiability solver = Solver(ctx=self.ctx) z3_conditions = ( TRUE.translate(self) if len(conditions) == 0 else And([l.translate(self) for l in conditions]) ) solver.add(And(z3_formula, known, z3_conditions)) if solver.check() != sat: return [] else: for i, c in list(enumerate(conditions)): # optional: reverse the list if 1 < len(conditions): conditions_i = And( [l.translate(self) for j, l in enumerate(conditions) if j != i] ) else: conditions_i = TRUE.translate(self) solver = Solver(ctx=self.ctx) if ( goal.sentence == TRUE or goal.value is None ): # find an abstract model # z3_formula & known & conditions => conditions_i is always true solver.add(Not(Implies(And(known, conditions_i), z3_conditions))) else: # decision table # z3_formula & known & conditions => goal is always true hypothesis = And(z3_formula, known, conditions_i) solver.add(Not(Implies(hypothesis, goal.translate(self)))) if solver.check() == unsat: conditions[i] = Assignment(TRUE, TRUE, S.UNKNOWN) conditions = join_set_conditions(conditions) return [c for c in conditions if c.sentence != TRUE] + [goal]
[docs] def decision_table( self, goal_string: str = "", timeout_seconds: int = 20, max_rows: int = 50, first_hit: bool = True, verify: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[List[List[Assignment]], bool]: """Experimental. Returns the rows for a decision table that defines ``goal_string``. ``goal_string`` must be a predicate application defined in the theory. The theory must be created with ``extended=True``. Args: goal_string (str, optional): the last column of the table. timeout_seconds (int, optional): maximum duration in seconds. Defaults to 20. max_rows (int, optional): maximum number of rows. Defaults to 50. first_hit (bool, optional): requested hit-policy. Defaults to True. verify (bool, optional): request verification of table completeness. Defaults to False Returns: list(list(Assignment)): the non-empty cells of the decision table for ``goal_string``, given ``self``. bool: whether or not the timeout limit was reached. """ timeout_hit = False max_time = time.time() + timeout_seconds # 20 seconds max assert ( self.extended == True ), "The problem must be created with 'extended=True' for decision_table." # determine questions, using goal_string and self.constraints questions = OrderedSet() if goal_string: goal_pred = goal_string.split("(")[0] assert ( goal_pred in self.declarations ), f"Unrecognized goal string: {goal_string}" for (decl, _), es in self.def_constraints.items(): if decl != self.declarations[goal_pred]: continue for e in es: e.collect(questions, all_=True) for q in questions: # update assignments for defined goals if q.code not in self.assignments: self.assignments.assert__(q, None, S.UNKNOWN) for c in self.constraints: if not c.is_type_constraint_for: c.collect(questions, all_=False) # ignore questions about defined symbols (except goal) symbols = { decl for defin in self.definitions for decl in defin.canonicals.keys() } qs = OrderedSet() for q in questions.values(): if goal_string == q.code or any( s not in symbols for s in q.collect_symbols(co_constraints=False).values() ): qs.append(q) questions = qs assert not goal_string or goal_string in [ a.code for a in questions ], f"Internal error" known = [ ass.translate(self) for ass in self.assignments.values() if ass.status != S.UNKNOWN ] + [q.reified(self) == q.translate(self) for q in questions if q.is_reified()] known = And(known) if known else TRUE.translate(self) self._formula = None theory = self.formula() solver = Solver(ctx=self.ctx) solver.add(theory) solver.add(known) models, count = [], 0 while ( solver.check() == sat # for each parametric model and count < max_rows and time.time() < max_time ): # find the interpretation of all atoms in the model assignments = [] # [Assignment] model = solver.model() goal = None for atom in questions.values(): assignment = self.assignments.get(atom.code, None) if ( assignment and assignment.value is None and atom.type == BOOL_SETNAME ): if not atom.is_reified(): val1 = model.eval(atom.translate(self)) else: val1 = model.eval(atom.reified(self)) if val1 == True: ass = Assignment(atom, TRUE, S.UNKNOWN) elif val1 == False: ass = Assignment(atom, FALSE, S.UNKNOWN) else: ass = Assignment(atom, None, S.UNKNOWN) if atom.code == goal_string: goal = ass elif ass.value is not None: assignments.append(ass) if verify: assert ( not goal_string or goal.value is not None ), "The goal is not always determined by the theory" # start with negations ! assignments.sort(key=lambda l: (l.value == TRUE, str(l.sentence))) assignments.append( goal if goal_string else Assignment(TRUE, TRUE, S.UNKNOWN) ) assignments = self._generalize(assignments, known, theory) models.append(assignments) # add constraint to eliminate this model modelZ3 = Not( And([l.translate(self) for l in assignments if l.value is not None]) ) solver.add(modelZ3) count += 1 if time.time() > max_time: timeout_hit = True if verify: def verify_models(known, models, goal_string): """verify that the models cover the universe Args: known ([type]): [description] models ([type]): [description] goal_string ([type]): [description] """ known2 = known for model in models: condition = [ l.translate(self) for l in model if l.value is not None and l.sentence.code != goal_string ] known2 = ( And(known2, Not(And(condition))) if condition else FALSE.translate(self) ) solver = Solver(ctx=self.ctx) solver.add(known2) assert ( solver.check() == unsat ), "The DMN table does not cover the full domain" verify_models(known, models, goal_string) models.sort(key=len) if first_hit: known2 = known models1, last_model = [], [] while models and time.time() < max_time: if len(models) == 1: models1.append(models[0]) break model = models.pop(0).copy() condition = [ l.translate(self) for l in model if l.value is not None and l.sentence.code != goal_string ] if condition: possible = Not(And(condition)) if verify: solver = Solver(ctx=self.ctx) solver.add(known2) solver.add(possible) result = solver.check() assert result == sat, "A row has become impossible to trigger" known2 = And(known2, possible) models1.append(model) models = [self._generalize(m, known2, theory) for m in models] models = [m for m in models if m] # ignore impossible models models = list( dict( [(",".join([str(c) for c in m]), m) for m in models] ).values() ) models.sort(key=len) else: # when not deterministic last_model += [model] models = models1 + last_model # post process if last model is just the goal # replace [p=>~G, G] by [~p=>G] if ( len(models[-1]) == 1 and models[-1][0].sentence.code == goal_string and models[-1][0].value is not None ): last_model = models.pop() hypothesis, consequent = [], last_model[0].negate() while models: last = models.pop() if ( len(last) == 2 and last[-1].sentence.code == goal_string and last[-1].value.same_as(consequent.value) ): hypothesis.append(last[0].negate()) else: models.append(last) break hypothesis.sort(key=lambda l: (l.value == TRUE, str(l.sentence))) model = hypothesis + [last_model[0]] model = self._generalize(model, known, theory) models.append(model) if hypothesis: models.append([consequent]) # post process to merge similar successive models # {x in c1 => g. x in c2 => g.} becomes {x in c1 U c2 => g.} # must be done after first-hit transformation for i in range(len(models) - 1, 0, -1): # reverse order m, prev = models[i], models[i - 1] if ( len(m) == 2 and len(prev) == 2 and m[1].same_as(prev[1]) ): # same goals # p | (~p & q) = ~(~p & ~q) new = join_set_conditions([prev[0].negate(), m[0].negate()]) if len(new) == 1: new = new[0].negate() models[i - 1] = [new, models[i - 1][1]] del models[i] if time.time() > max_time: timeout_hit = True if verify: verify_models(known, models, goal_string) return (models, timeout_hit)