Source code for idp_engine.Assignments

# Copyright 2019 Ingmar Dasseville, Pierre Carbonnelle
# This file is part of Interactive_Consultant.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


Classes to store assignments of values to questions

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ["Status", "Assignment", "Assignments"]

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from z3 import BoolRef

from .Expression import Expression, TRUE, FALSE, NOT, EQUALS, AppliedSymbol
from .utils import NEWL, BOOL

    from .Parse import SymbolDeclaration, Enumeration
    from .Theory import Theory

[docs]class Status(Enum): """Describes how the value of a question was obtained""" UNKNOWN = auto() # fixed values: STRUCTURE = auto() UNIVERSAL = auto() CONSEQUENCE = auto() ENV_CONSQ = auto() # choices: EXPANDED = auto() DEFAULT = auto() GIVEN = auto()
[docs]class Assignment(object): """Represent the assignment of a value to a question. Questions can be: * predicates and functions applied to arguments, * comparisons, * outermost quantified expressions A value is a rigid term. An assignment also has a reference to the symbol under which it should be displayed. Attributes: sentence (Expression): the question to be assigned a value value (Expression, optional): a rigid term status (Status, optional): qualifies how the value was obtained is_certainly_undefined (bool): True for functions applied to arguments certainly outside of its domain relevant (bool, optional): states whether the sentence is relevant symbol_decl (SymbolDeclaration): declaration of the symbol under which it should be displayed in the IC. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sentence: Expression, value: Optional[Expression], status: Optional[Status], relevant: Optional[bool] = True): self.sentence: Expression = sentence self.value: Optional[Expression] = value self.status: Optional[Status] = status self.is_certainly_undefined = False self.relevant: Optional[bool] = relevant # First symbol in the sentence, preferably not starting with '_': # if no public symbol (not starting with '_') is found, the first # private one is used. self.symbol_decl: SymbolDeclaration = None default = None self.symbols: Dict[str, SymbolDeclaration] = \ sentence.collect_symbols(co_constraints=False).values() for d in self.symbols: if not d.private: if d.block: # ignore accessors and testers self.symbol_decl = d break elif default is None: default = d if not self.symbol_decl: # use the '_' symbol (to allow relevance computation) self.symbol_decl = default
def copy(self, shallow: Optional[bool] =False ) -> Assignment: out = copy(self) if not shallow: out.sentence = deepcopy(out.sentence) return out def __str__(self) -> str: pre, post = '', '' if self.value is None: pre = "? " elif self.value.same_as(TRUE): pre = "" elif self.value.same_as(FALSE): pre = "Not " else: post = f" -> {str(self.value)}" return f"{pre}{self.sentence.annotations['reading']}{post}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() def __log__(self) -> Optional[Expression]: return self.value
[docs] def same_as(self, other: Assignment) -> bool: """returns True if self has the same sentence and truth value as other. Args: other (Assignment): an assignment Returns: bool: True if self has the same sentence and truth value as other. """ return (self.sentence.same_as(other.sentence) and ((self.value is None and other.value is None) or (self.value is not None and other.value is not None and self.value.same_as(other.value))))
def to_json(self) -> str: # for GUI return str(self) def formula(self) -> Expression: if self.value is None: raise Exception("can't translate unknown value") if self.sentence.type == BOOL: out = self.sentence if self.value.same_as(TRUE) else \ NOT(self.sentence) else: out = EQUALS([self.sentence, self.value]) return out
[docs] def negate(self) -> Assignment: """returns an Assignment for the same sentence, but an opposite truth value. Raises: AssertionError: Cannot negate a non-boolean assignment Returns: [type]: returns an Assignment for the same sentence, but an opposite truth value. """ assert self.sentence.type == BOOL, "Cannot negate a non-boolean assignment" value = FALSE if self.value.same_as(TRUE) else TRUE return Assignment(self.sentence, value, self.status, self.relevant)
def translate(self, problem: Theory) -> BoolRef: return self.formula().translate(problem)
[docs] def as_set_condition(self ) -> Tuple[Optional[AppliedSymbol], Optional[bool], Optional[Enumeration]]: """returns an equivalent set condition, or None Returns: Tuple[Optional[AppliedSymbol], Optional[bool], Optional[Enumeration]]: meaning "appSymb is (not) in enumeration" """ (x, y, z) = self.sentence.as_set_condition() if x: return (x, y if self.value.same_as(TRUE) else not y, z) return (None, None, None)
[docs] def unset(self) -> None: """ Unsets the value of an assignment. Returns: None """ self.value = None self.status = Status.UNKNOWN
[docs]class Assignments(dict): """Contains a set of Assignment"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): super(Assignments, self).__init__(*arg, **kw) self.symbols: Dict[str, SymbolDeclaration] = {} for a in self.values(): if a.symbol_decl: self.symbols[] = a.symbol_decl
[docs] def copy(self, shallow: bool = False) -> "Assignments": return Assignments({k: v.copy(shallow) for k, v in self.items()})
def extend(self, more: "Assignments") -> None: for v in more.values(): self.assert_(v.sentence, v.value, v.status, v.relevant) def assert__(self, sentence: Expression, value: Optional[Expression], status: Optional[Status] ) -> Assignment: if sentence.code in self: out = self[sentence.code].copy(shallow=True) if out.status in [Status.GIVEN, Status.EXPANDED, Status.DEFAULT]\ and status in [Status.CONSEQUENCE, Status.ENV_CONSQ, Status.UNIVERSAL]: assert out.value.same_as(value), \ "System should not override given choices with different consequences, please report this bug." else: if not (out.status == Status.ENV_CONSQ and status == Status.CONSEQUENCE): # do not change an env consequence to a decision consequence out.value = value out.status = status else: out = Assignment(sentence, value, status) if out.symbol_decl: # ignore comparisons of constructors self[sentence.code] = out self.symbols[] = out.symbol_decl return out def __str__(self) -> str: """ Print the assignments in the same format as a model. Most symbols are printed as `name := {(val1, ..., val} -> valx, ...}.` with the exception of nullary symbols, which are printed as `name := value`. """ out = {} nullary = set() for a in self.values(): if type(a.sentence) == AppliedSymbol: args = ", ".join(str(e) for e in a.sentence.sub_exprs) args = f"({args})" if 1 < len(a.sentence.sub_exprs) else args c = None if a.symbol_decl.arity == 0: # Symbol is a proposition or constant. c = f"{str(a.value)}" if a.value is not None else "*" nullary.add(a.symbol_decl) elif a.value == FALSE: # make sure we have an entry for `a` in `out` if a.symbol_decl not in out: out[a.symbol_decl] = {} elif a.value == TRUE: # Symbol is a predicate. c = f"{args}" elif a.value is not None: # Symbol is a function. c = f"{args} -> {str(a.value)}" if c: enum = out.get(a.symbol_decl, dict()) enum[c] = c out[a.symbol_decl] = enum model_str = "" for k, enum in out.items(): if k in nullary: # do not use {...} val = f"{} := {list(enum)[0]}.{NEWL}" if "*" in val: val = f"// {val}" else: sign = ':=' if k.instances or == BOOL else '>>' val = f"{} {sign} {{{ ', '.join(s for s in enum) }}}.{NEWL}" model_str += val return model_str